On Wed, 18 Oct 2017, David Coudert wrote:

But anyways, I found more. is_eulerian(path=True) will return either False OR an Eulerian path. This seems to be clearly wrong.

It is not a correct behavior. This method should have a parameter `certificate`, default to False. When certificate is True, it returns a pair boolean and certificate (see e.g., is_tree).

Sounds reasonable. But then what to do to eulerian_circuit()? There could be a function to count or list eulerian circuits too (a problem in #P, says Wikipedia).

What's more, is_eulerian(path=True) returns True when the graph has an Eulerian path BUT has not Eulerian cycle. Is this normal use in graph theory?

This is not consistent with the definition: “a graph has an Eulerian path if and only if exactly zero or two vertices have odd degree".

True. But it is useful function to have shorcut for "g.has_eulerian_path() and not g.has_eulerian_circuit()"?

 * * *

I think we have a clear consensus on two things: 1) is_* -function shall return either a Boolean or a pair where first element is a Boolean, and as I said before, 2) function related to Hamiltonian path/cycle shall be similar to those related to Eulerian path/cycle.

Jori Mäntysalo

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