On Friday, 27 October 2017 16:19:30 UTC+2, Emmanuel Charpentier wrote:
> Dear Marteen,
> Le vendredi 27 octobre 2017 16:02:03 UTC+2, Maarten Derickx a écrit :
>> Why a separate git branch and not make it something configurable, like 
>> building sage with gmp vs mpir?
> Because those are not the same cases :
Well, yes there clearly are differences between to the two scenarios. But 
your arguments are all either just a) pointing out differences between the 
mpir vs OpenSSL situation or b) arguments against the usefulness of being 
able to build sage without OpenSSL and this is not what I was asking for. 
What I actually was looking for were arguments for why having a branch is a 
better idea then making it something configurable. I think the choice 
between a branch and something configurable is something that is just a 
technical difference on how to achieve the wished end result (make it 
possible to compile sage without OpenSSL). So here some reasons why I think 
a separate branch is a worse idea then making the instalalation of OpenSSL 
1) A separate branch creates way more maintenance work then making it 
configurable since now something needs to be done each release, instead of 
potentially doing something when R is updated.
2) Because a separate branch it is quite a far fetched solution compared to 
using configure and make and maybe some environment variables which are the 
standard tools for deciding how and what to build.
3) It deviates from the way sage currently behaves with respect configuring 
which packages to install, requiring the user to learn something new. 
Making the sage the distribution experience feel less coherent.

> a) there is no currently (to the best of my limited knowledge) , strong 
> reasons to choose one over the other,
> b) they give (modulo my limited knoiwledge, again) roughly the same 
> possibilities to Sage,
> c) there are people able, and **volunteering**, to maintaint this 
> alternative.
> In the case of OpenSSL not having OpenSSL:
> a) doesn't give us anything but the ability to do without a package deemed 
> "GPL incompatible" (in the sense that we currently cannot ship it  with 
> Sage)

Which is a useful ability to have considering the bad experience almost al 
sage-devs on OS X had getting this to work.

> b) deprives R and pip users of an useful ability (deemed mandatory by R 
> authors)

Or worded differently: gives people the option to have a working sage 
installation missing just two of its many features instead of no sage 
installation at all if getting sage to work with OpenSSL turns out to be 
too difficult. This is what Jeroen meant with his Koan about that an R that 
builds without OpenSSL can be very usefull for people not using R, since it 
means they can forget about the non trivial step (on some platforms) of 
getting OpenSSL to work.

> c) forces us to maintain a patch that is of no use to what I think a 
> majority of Sage users.

Well I think the statement "this patch is of no use to what I think a 
majority of Sage users" is a very important statement since the answer to 
the key question: "Do we wish to support building sage without OpenSSL?" 
hinges on wether you consider c) to be true. Several people (including me, 
but also other sage developers I talked to at some sage days) have had 
serious trouble getting sage to build with OpenSSL so having an option to 
avoid these troubles at the cost of a less functional R and pip is 
certainly something useful for at least a significant minority of the Sage 

Additionally I think demanding something to be useful to a majority is a 
way to strong criterion for when to support something in sage or not, 
otherwise we could also probably also say: R in sage is not used by the 
majority of Sage users so we might as well not ship it.

Now wether "this patch is of no use to what I think a majority of Sage 
users" is true also very much depends on how difficult it is to get sage to 
work with OpenSSL, if this is trivial then of course the patch is of no 
use. But I think at least in the current sage it is not trivial on all 
platforms. For this reason I am for anything that is working in the 
direction of making it easier to get sage to work with OpenSSL, however the 
proposed changes have not been implemented/let alone be battle tested. And 
requiring OpenSSL to build sage is a change of the status quo. Personally I 
certainly believe that in the long term we should just require OpenSSL, but 
at this moment right now I think it is also important to provide a clean 
migration path. Right now requiring OpenSSL is actually doing two things at 

1) change the default from building without OpenSSL support to building 
with OpenSSL support.
2) remove the possibility of falling back to the old default of building 
without OpenSSL.

I think doing these two at once is something that might very well bite us 
in the back causing a lot people complaining about this on the mailinglist 
and having no valid answer to their problems then: stick to the old version 
for now (like for example happend with the IPython switch from readline to 
promt_toolkit). Now I am not saying that this will definitely happen, but 
the problem is that at the moment we do not (and actually can not) know 
wether it will happen.

However if we first do step 1) and later step 2), then we will first get 
feedback on what users think of the change of the default behaviour, and if 
they really do not like it we can just tell them how to configure sage to 
fall back to the old behaviour, but at the same time telling them that the 
old behaviour will not be supported in the future. Then once we are sure 
that the new default is working well enough to not cause anyone significant 
troubles with trying to build sage, then we can finally do step 2.

Note that personally in the long term I am for not supporting building sage 
without OpenSSL, however right now I think we do need to support it in 
order not to make some people very upset.

Apart from my criticism: thank you for the energy you are putting into 
trying to get the OpenSSL situation in sage to improve.

The point made by William about security issues is also to be considered ; 
> but I'm not an expert...
Well the solution would just disable downloading packages using pip or R, 
so if the downloading does not work there, there is no security issue. For 
the downloading standard packages the stored hashes solve the security 
issue, since the goal is just to be sure that the downloaded code is not 
tampered with. The main advantage of https enabled downloads over hashing 
is that his also allows you to hide the content of the packages you are 
downloading from a third party, but since the packages are already public 
knowledge this is of little extra value.

> Emmanuel Charpentier

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