Hi Jeroen,

On 2017-12-11, Jeroen Demeyer <jdeme...@cage.ugent.be> wrote:
> On 2017-12-10 22:29, Nicolas M. Thiery wrote:
>> As far as I remember, it's stipulated that any Parent should be in
>> Sets.
> I don't think that this is stipulated somewhere.

I think I stated it in the thematic tutorial on "how to implement new
algebraic structures".

> I also feel that this shouldn't be a hard requirement.

I think it should! For category objects that are not sets, one should
use CategoryObject. For user-visible objects in Sage that haven't
anything to do with categories, one should use SageObject. And for
everything else, Python gave us <object>.

> I think that the low-level basic stuff 
> (I consider creating elements amongst that) should work without 
> categories and that categories should only be used for additional 
> functionality on top of that.

Except if the basic functionality refers to category stuff. Element
creation does!

>> Is there a use case where having this in Parent would be preferable?
> I can think of two reasons: the first is efficiency.

+1, although currently I don't know an example where this actually
results in a noticeable problem. A couple of years ago though, it
was a serious bottleneck.

> Second (as Travis also 
> said), creating elements is partially implemented in Parent and 
> partially in Sets. This is quite confusing and it would be best to do 
> this in one place.

+100. I think the current implementation has too many levels of
indirection and too many hooks for the implementation of a single


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