I'm trying to use GAP's small groups library (after installing
gap_packages) and getting strange errors that don't occur in GAP when built
from source.  In particular (using gap_console to get more traceback)

sage: gap_console()
gap> NormalSubgroups(SmallGroup(1458,1180));
Error, List Element: <list>[4] must have an assigned value in
  if map[d] > max  then
    elm := id;
    if not IsBound( map[d] )  then
        Error( "<elm> lies not in group defined by <pcgs>" );
    ll := LeadingExponentOfPcElement( pa, elm );
    lr := lc[d];
    exp[map[d]] := ll / lr mod ros[d];
    elm := LeftQuotientPowerPcgsElement( pcgs, map[d], exp[map[d]], elm );
fi; at /home/roed/sage/local/gap/latest/lib/pcgsind.gi:1411 called from
ExponentsOfPcElement( NumeratorOfModuloPcgs( pcgs ), elm, pcgs!.depthMap )
at /home/roed/sage/local/gap/latest/lib/pcgsmodu.gi:931 called from
ExponentsOfPcElement( ocr.modulePcgs, x ) at
/home/roed/sage/local/gap/latest/lib/onecohom.gi:264 called from
ocr.moduleMap( n ) at /home/roed/sage/local/gap/latest/lib/onecohom.gi:339
called from
ocr.listToCocycle( lc ) at /home/roed/sage/local/gap/latest/lib/
grplatt.gi:1926 called from
opr( Zero( vs ), k ) at /home/roed/sage/local/gap/latest/lib/grplatt.gi:1932
called from
...  at line 2 of *stdin*

Similar problems are occurring with other groups and some other functions.

In the interest of finishing my calculation, I tried the following in an
attempt to have Sage use a functional GAP:

sage: import sage.interfaces.gap
sage: sage.interfaces.gap.gap_cmd = "/home/roed/gap4r8/bin/gap.sh"
sage: gap.eval('1+1')

which hangs.  Similarly, I tried copying my functional gap installation to
$SAGE_LOCAL/gap/ and updating the "latest" symlink; this allows
gap_console() to function correctly but gap.eval() still hangs.

I don't tend to work with spkgs very often, so I feel like there's probably
something simple I'm overlooking.  Any help in installing a functioning gap
would be appreciated.  I'm also happy to help investigate what's wrong with
our process for installing the small groups library.

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