On Wednesday, March 11, 2020 at 11:11:57 PM UTC+1, Simon King wrote:
> Hi Marc,
> On Wednesday, March 11, 2020 at 12:50:07 PM UTC+1, Marc Mezzarobba wrote:
>> Sébastien Labbé wrote: 
>> > But I am not getting errors, maybe my vim is too old (7.4.1689). I 
>> > need to update my machine but I am always postponing this to tomorro 
>> Indeed, it looks like I'm using features that appeared with vim 8. 
> I opened a Sage source file in vim, marked a doctest in visual mode, and 
> hit \Y. In the status line, vim shows the text
>         :call YankSageTest(visualmode(), 1)
> So, apparently it did something.
> But when I then go to Sage command line and hit <shift>-insert (which 
> usually inserts what was previously copied), nothing happens (resp. some 
> text was inserted that I have copied previously). This is with vim version 
> 8.2.343
You may not be using the good register. You may see what is in the current 
registers by writing:


To yank in the register +, you do "+y or "+\Y to yank with Marc's code. The 
register + is the clipboard on my machine (Linux). On OSX, the register + 
was not the clipboard...


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