Something rather weird here. I'm unable to complete a pull of the latest 
8.5.beta5 because of

Updating f894105d0d..b36eca1990
error: unable to unlink old 'docker/': Permission denied

Now is owned by root which I find strange

ls -al docker/
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 315 Aug 26 12:46 docker/

In fact in SAGE_ROOT there are numerous folders and a file owned by root

ls -al | grep 'root '
drwxr-xr-x  2 root     root   4096 Aug 26 12:46 .ci
drwxr-xr-x  2 root     root   4096 Aug 26 12:46 .circleci
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root     root     10 Aug 26 12:46 .dockerignore -> .gitignore
-rw-r--r--  1 root     root   6753 Aug 26 12:46 .gitlab-ci.yml
drwxr-xr-x  3 root     root   4096 Aug 26 12:46 docker

Any idea as to what's with this? 8.5.beta4 was just fine.

On Sunday, November 25, 2018 at 6:36:04 PM UTC-6, Volker Braun wrote:
> As always, you can get the latest beta version from the "develop" git 
> branch. Alternatively, the self-contained source tarball is at 
> b36eca1990 (tag: 8.5.beta5, trac/develop) Updated SageMath version to 
> 8.5.beta5
> 50d5520f60 Trac #26747: py3: final fixes for
> acb2071e3c Trac #26738: py3: fix all doctests in game_theory
> c0fcb1222a Trac #26748: clean graph_generators_pyx.pyx
> b7d04438fb Trac #26746: provide translation of fresnel to fricas
> 99fe4d2534 Trac #26745: py3: fix doctest in Grossman-Larsson
> 285956f06c Trac #26744: remove a bunch of deprecated renamed keywords
> 959468f7a2 Trac #26743: cyclotomic_part should not include powers of x
> 9c0a66df99 Trac #26739: py3: some fixes in Monsky-Washnitzer
> 47998f15f4 Trac #26736: some work on cluster mutation again
> e7a1a04d8f Trac #26732: Docker image fails to start jupyter notebook
> 73b2d3962e Trac #26734: small cleanup for alternating sign matrices
> 9713da62ea Trac #25708: Rename SBox methods for 
> difference_distribution_matrix and similar to _table
> d45e4d9b7e Trac #26742: py3: fix threejs viewer interface
> 53b87f160d Trac #26737: py3: some work on finite state machines
> 3ce4503500 Trac #26728: Remove ellipsis in one findstat doctest
> 7853331f91 Trac #26726: Py3: Some python3 fixes in geometry module.
> 7d7d7eaca0 Trac #26704: Py3 : database.oeis  implement __getitem__ to 
> replace __getslice__
> 2599afd5c4 Trac #26596: Replace expect r interface with rpy2
> a38120a74e Trac #26168: Add parallelism for two tensor calculus functions
> b150b57dd2 Trac #25473: 20 internet doctests failed in 
> sage/finance/
> d11cabb0c9 Trac #23547: isl + polylib + barvinok packages
> 269bd3da76 Trac #23341: port lcalc to C++11
> 514e0f5e50 Trac #26729: update curl to 7.62
> b054b079e5 Trac #26405: Root finding for p-adic polynomials
> 7b564b0ed6 Trac #25443: bijections for set partitions
> 6eba589bce Trac #26720: py3: some fixes for misc/abstract_method
> fda5bdab57 Trac #26717: converting some http to https in install 
> instructions
> e235693068 Trac #26712: avoid .vertices() in independent_sets.pyx
> cbe26c565f Trac #26711: avoid .vertices() in
> b138c8a7a4 Trac #26702: Py3: Fix database/sql_db module for python3
> 9e6743fa4c Trac #26420: More flexible constructor of  GroupHomomorphisms
> 75bc4c6d91 Trac #25519: Upgrade gmpy2
> 10d1b6810c Trac #26715: build/pkgs/gfortran/spkg-configure.m4 works 
> incorrectly if CC and CXX are already there
> 51d1404842 Trac #26723: remove deprecated stuff in posets and Hasse
> 2615da94d8 Trac #26724: py3: one small fix for elliptic curves over number 
> fields
> 4332897d03 Trac #26721: py3: fix function fields
> 7928e4c3a0 Trac #26719: py3: fix doctests in symmetric group algebra
> 5d8ab92872 Trac #26630: clean (part 3)
> 5c49a279ea Trac #26709: Upgrade to jupyter notebook 5.7.1
> cc373ffd76 Trac #26661: pep cleanup of old integer lists
> 208fd1182c Trac #26574: remove deprecated stuff in integer lists
> 1a6f4e9862 Trac #26560: remove deprecated stuff in element wrapper
> da82efd125 Trac #26708: clean connectivity.pyx (part 3)
> 3fa1ec45df Trac #26705: Fix is_formal for hyperplane arrangements with no 
> cycles
> bbe7f47574 Trac #26597: Update boost/boost_cropped to 1.66.0
> 0cbf26ce26 Trac #26026: Updates to Huffman codings
> 523b1f8cb6 Trac #26667: distutils no longer shows compiler commands
> f894105d0d (tag: 8.5.beta4) Updated SageMath version to 8.5.beta4

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