Details really do matter.  The devil is in them.  Here is one which makes a 
major difference to my efforts to distribute Sage.  I hope that I can 
convince people to pay attention to it.

DETAIL: An svg image can be compressed very efficiently and will look good 
at all resolutions.  A png image can not be compressed, being already 
compressed, and pixelates at high resolutions.

BACK STORY: I am working on adding documentation to the Sage_macOS 
distribution.  Size is important.  For 10.1beta3 the English documentation 
occupied 631MB, and compressed down to 104MB.  For 10.1beta4 the 
uncompressed size increased by over 100MB due to the addition of 100MB of 
png images.  Now it only compresses to 207MB, doubling the compressed size.

There is no need for this wastefulness.  Here is an example:

sage: D = graphs.DodecahedralGraph()
sage: p = D.plot()
sage: p.save_image('/tmp/dodec.svg')
sage: p.save_image('/tmp/dodec.png')

The result:
% ls -l /tmp/dodec*
-rw-r--r--@ 1 culler  wheel  42735 Jun 28 08:48 /tmp/dodec.png
-rw-r--r--  1 culler  wheel  18524 Jun 28 08:48 /tmp/dodec.svg
% gzip /tmp/dodec*
% ls -l /tmp/dodec*
-rw-r--r--@ 1 culler  wheel  39473 Jun 28 08:48 /tmp/dodec.png.gz
-rw-r--r--  1 culler  wheel   3815 Jun 28 08:48 /tmp/dodec.svg.gz

BOTTOM LINE: we get more than a 90% reduction in size simply by choosing to 
use the .svg extension when saving the plot instead of the .png extension.

I am not allowed to upload an svg file to google groups, so you will have 
to verify for yourself that the svg looks better than the png, but it does.

- Marc

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