On Nov 12, 4:11 pm, "David Joyner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi:

Hello David,

> I am trying to create a patch for the permgp bug Carlo H reported
> last week. In 2.8.12, I
> (1) created a clone and added a few lines to permgp.py
> that seemed to fix the problem.
> (2) ran sage -b (no problems)
> (3) sage -t "path/permgp.py" (all tests passed)
> (4) typed export EDITOR=emacs, then started sage and typed:
> sage: hg_sage.commit()
> cd "/home/wdj/sagestuff/sage-2.8.7.rc1/devel/sage" && hg diff  | less
> cd "/home/wdj/sagestuff/sage-2.8.7.rc1/devel/sage" && hg commit
> emacs: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libcairo.so.2: undefined symbol:
> FT_Library_SetLcdFilter
> transaction abort!
> rollback completed
> abort: edit failed: emacs exited with status 127

The problem is that emacs cannot be started due to library issues:
LD_LIBRARY_PATH is set to include SAGE_LOCAL/lib, consequently some
system libraries aren't linked, but the Sage version which can produce
and doesd produce problems like the one you experince. That issue is
described in trac ticket #975, but in your particular case even the
work-around described there doesn't work.

One way to fix this in your particular case is to write a small script
that does "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=" before starting emacs. Let me know
if you need some more info on that and I will send you some example

> I also tried this with another editor (kate) with the same error.
> However, when I set export EDITOR=vi, everything worked fine.
> This is using ubuntu 7.10, 64 bit. Should I create a trac ticket for this
> or am I doing something wrong?

Nope, :)

> - David Joyner



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