On Nov 28, 2007 9:04 AM, Jonathan Hanke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I had a few questions related to the notebook:
> How does one "unpublish" a notebook?  I have "published" one on my MacBook
> (which makes firefox redirect to a page that it cannot read), and I don't
> know how to get it back.  I tried to restart the notebook server but it
> didn't help.

I don't think I implemented unpublishing a notebook yet, so I think
you can't unpublish a notebook.

> How does the notebook process LaTeX \begin{equation}...\end{equation}
> environments and process paragraph breaks?  I had to resort to putting
> things into an "array" environement with forced \qquad indents to make the
> output look reasonably nice.

If we're talking about text in edit mode between cells, the notebook
doesn't process arbitrary latex.  It processes tex equations in $'s or $$'s.
You can make
cells that actually run latex and produce an image.  That might be useful.

Using html like you suggest above sounds like a fine idea, since after all
you're creating html, which just happens to have formulas in it.

> Why doesn't the LaTeX "cases" environment giant "{" not typeset properly?

jsmath.  It's not latex.  It's an implementation of the tex formula
layout engine
in javascript.

> It appears as a bunch of stacked question marks.  Perhaps there is a way of
> upgrading the jsmath or its fonts in SAGE to fix this?

You should certainly install the jsmath fonts if you haven't already.

> I am using a MacBook
> running OS 10.4 with Sage 2.8.14.  Thanks,

Actually fonts could be a problem.  Post an example and I'll let you know.

I should point out that there has been essential 0 development on the notebook
during the last six months.   It is probably going to be time for a notebook
coding sprint sometime soon.   What are people's top 3 requests for things
to be implemented.   I think mine are:
   (1) a way to empty the trash. :-)
   (2) sagenb.org is I *think* slow because there are over 1000
registered users, and somehow having a lot of user accounts seems to
seriously impact performance.  sagenb.com is still snappy in
comparison.  Fix this.
   (3) Add support for editing the html between cells without having
to switch to edit mode. E.g., clicking to the left on a thin vertical
line would change the html between cells into a plain text edit box,
you edit, and click the button to the left again to get back the html

 -- william

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