On Dec 4, 2007 6:25 AM, gginiu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> > There already is an optional/experimental R.spkg and because of rpy
> > little integration work into Python needs to be done. It will probably
> > take a while to expose all the functionality desired by Sage
> > developers directly, but we need to start by including it.
> well, then if there is anything I can help with - from testing to
> whatever - you can count me in :) I'm already downloading it :)

Please type

sage: install_package('sage -i r-2.6.1rc.p1')

and report back whether the install works for you or not (it's an experimental
package still, which means that it's likely to *not* work for a lot of people).

If it does install, try this:

sage: import rpy
sage: rpy.r.t_test(range(100))

Check out
for more discussion about rpy, which provides a very
fast interface to essentially all the functionality of R.
NOTE: As of now, you'll probably want to do
    sage: RealNumber = float; Integer = int
to turn off preparsing of floats and ints when using R, since
the patch for making R play nicely with Sage types isn't in


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