
I'm using Sage 2.10 now. Expansion for elements in SFAElementary works
great now, but there is another problem: the expansion lies in the
wrong ring.

sage: e=SFAElementary(QQ)
sage: f=e([2]).expand(2)
sage: f
sage: f.parent()
Multivariate Polynomial Ring in x0, x1, x2 over Rational Field

The same code but for SFASchur results in:

sage: s=SFASchur(QQ)
sage: f=s([2]).expand(2)
sage: f
x0^2 + x0*x1 + x1^2
sage: f.parent()
Multivariate Polynomial Ring in x0, x1 over Rational Field


On Jan 17, 1:46 pm, "William Stein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Jan 17, 2008 10:44 AM, BFJ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Excellent, Thanks. As for my other question, the one about where to
> > report things, whether to file bug reports, etc.., what is best? As
> > I'm working on a Sage project related to my own research I'm finding
> > occasional problems. Should I post them here or try to do something
> > more official like using trac?
> Reporting them here is great.  We'll immediately paste them to trac
> once we verify the bugs.  Once you report a few and get with the flow,
> Michael Abshoff or I will create an account for you on trac (just write
> to us off list).
> Welcome to Sage!
> > Thanks,
> > BFJ
> > On Jan 16, 4:30pm, mabshoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > dortmund.de> wrote:
> > > On Jan 16, 10:23 pm, BFJ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > Hi,
> > > > First of all, I don't know whether to post about this here, or file a
> > > > bug report, or something else. I'm new to community developed
> > > > software. Let me know if this isn't the right place to report the
> > > > following.
> > > > I'm using sage 2.9.2 and 2.9.3 on different (both PPC) machines, both
> > > > running OS X 10.4.
> > > > Consider the following commands which should expand an elementary
> > > > symmetric function as a polynomial in 3 variables:
> > > <SNIP>
> > > Hi BJF,
> > > I can reproduce the problem with 2.9.3, but it is fixed in
> > > 2.10.alpha3:
> > > ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > > | SAGE Version 2.10.alpha3, Release Date: 2008-01-14 |
> > > | Type notebook() for the GUI, and license() for information. |
> > > ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > > sage: sage: k=SFAElementary(QQ)
> > > sage: sage: f=k([2])
> > > sage: sage: f.expand(3)
> > > x0*x1 + x0*x2 + x1*x2
> > > sage:
> > > Mike Hansen did post a patch that was merged early on in 2.10.alpha2
> > > or so. He might be able to tell you if the bug was fixed "on purpose"
> > > or "by accident". 2.10 should be out by the weekend or maybe Monday.
> > > Alpha3 is available at
> > >http://sage.math.washington.edu/home/mabshoff/release-cycles-2.10/sag...
> > > Mike: could you add a doctest that tests this behavior?
> > > > Similar commands, but on objects from SFASchur, SFAPower, SFAMonomial,
> > > > etc.., work perfectly. It seems to be only SFAElementary that has a
> > > > problem.
> > > > Thanks,
> > > > BFJ
> > > Cheers,
> > > Michael
> --
> William Stein
> Associate Professor of Mathematics
> University of Washingtonhttp://wstein.org
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