> All right, extending Robert's patch, I've posted up trac #1908 at:
> http://sagetrac.org/sage_trac/ticket/1908
> This lets you do what you showed above:
> sage: show([circle((0,0),n) for n in [1..3]]) # three circles
> (note the extra "]" at the end, though).
> To plot concentric circles, of course, you use:
> sage: sum([circle((0,0),n) for n in [1..3]])
> Also the following are tiled:
> sage: show(graphs(3), layout='circular', vertex_size=50,
> vertex_labels=False, graph_border=True)
> sage: show(list(graphs(3)), layout='circular', vertex_size=50,
> vertex_labels=False, graph_border=True)
> sage: show(graphs(4), layout='circular', vertex_size=50,
> vertex_labels=False, graph_border=True)
> sage: show([plot(sin(i*x)) for i in range(30)]) # Two pages of images
> sage: show([sin(i*x) for i in range(2)])
> sage: show([sin(i*x) for i in range(30)], columns=1, rows=10)

As someone with not enough time or expertise to contribute this sort
of truly useful functionality but with LOTS of ideas for making Sage
better, I humbly thank both Jason and Robert for all this hard work. I
don't think there could be a much better solution within the Sage/
Python framework for these issues.  I especially like the contrast

sage: sum([circle((0,0),n) for n in [1..3]])


sage: show([circle((0,0),n) for n in [1..3]]) # three circles

As a final comment, I'll note that the following behavior with objects
which automatically display is interesting:

sage: C=circle((0,0),1);P=plot(sin,0,1)
sage: [C,P]
[, ]

and then a display of circle above a plot of sin (in the notebook) or
two separate pictures (in the command line).  I have no idea what, if
any, connection should be made with this work, though.

Finally, sorry for the typo earlier!  But *that* at least I would
expect my students to get - otherwise it misses the point of learning
to use computers. Excel or Firefox would balk at weird syntax too.

Thank you all, and hope to contribute more suggestions in the future.

- kcrisman
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