Neal wrote:
> First, thanks to everyone for their suggestions.
> But, I'm not quite there yet.
>  When I typed (address=''), Firefox still popped up on my
> MAC,
> but with the machine address, not localhost. I still could not attach
> from the PC.
> I thought maybe the local copy of Firefox was getting in the way of
> remote access. So
> I then tried disabling the local browser by typing
>         notebook(address='', open_viewer=false)
> but while the browser didn't open on the MAC, there was no change in
> behavior
> in the PC.
> So, I tried turning off security, thinking maybe the encryption was
> getting in the way.
> I used 'inotebook', instead of notebook. The message told me I was
> crazy. Crazy or
> not, it still doesn't work.
> The perplexing thing about it is that the underlying system works. If
> I open my PC
> Firefox to  I get connected to the MAC OX
> X Personal
> Web Sharing (a MAC facility that runs on Apache), with no problem at
> all. The problem
> seems to be with remote access to port 8000. The port that the Web
> Sharing is on works fine.

Do you have the port open in your firewall on your osx machine?  I don't 
have an osx machine handy, but someone could give you instructions if 
you need them.


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