You don't need any fancy droplets or applets. You can just use the
following AppleScript to activate Sage (take this script and save it
as an AppleScript application, then put it in the same directory as
the "sage" UNIX executable):

tell application "Finder"
        set myFolder to container of (path to me) as string
end tell

tell application "Terminal"
        do script (POSIX path of myFolder) & "sage"
end tell

If on the other hand you want to start the notebook and don't need the
terminal window in front, you can use the following AppleScript to
open a terminal window in the background and start Sage in notebook

tell application "Finder"
        set myFolder to container of (path to me) as string
end tell

tell application "Terminal"
        do script (POSIX path of myFolder) & "sage --notebook"
end tell

What else did you folks have in mind in terms of Mac OS X integration?

-- Greg

On Tue, Apr 29, 2008 at 9:06 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  The README file for SAGE's Mac OS X version mentions that easier
>  environment integration would be in order, were a Mac OS X developer
>  to help. I don't need it myself – I actually prefer to call SAGE
>  manually after opening a terminal window – but has anyone looked into
>  XDroplets [1]?
>  XDroplets is "[a] set of launchers that better integrate X11 programs
>  with the Mac OS X environment", along with an application to create
>  new launchers. I haven't bothered to give it much of a look, but since
>  the launchers are (according to the project page) AppleScript droplets
>  [2], I'd bet they will work independently of XDroplets; it should be
>  easy, then, to create an XDroplet launcher for SAGE and include it in
>  the Mac OS X distribution.
>  [1]
>  [2]
>  --
>  Ja ne,
>  Helio Perroni Filho
>  Memory Leak
>  >

Gregory D. Landweber
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Bard College

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