On Jul 18, 2008, at 1:05 PM, Stefano Maggiolo wrote:

> I'd like to solve some systems of linear equation with coefficients
> and unknown in the integers modulo Z_n. I'm aware of solve_mod, but:
> 1. it's slow;
> 2. returns a list of solutions and not a list of generators/relations
> for the solutions.
> Is there anything better suited for me?

Yes, there's certainly faster ways about going about this, though  
they might take a bit more work. I'm not sure what the equations  
you're trying to solve look like, but I would try using linear  
algebra over Z_p for each p dividing n, and then use Chinese  
Remainder and Hensel lifting. to lift to solutions mod n.

For example, to solve the following mod 1147 = 31*37

5x + y = 1
x + 4y = 2

sage: M = matrix(2, 2, [5,1,1,4]); M
[5 1]
[1 4]
sage: M.change_ring(GF(31)) \ vector([1,2])
(5, 7)
sage: M.change_ring(GF(37)) \ vector([1,2])
(4, 18)

sage: crt(5, 4, 31, 37) % 1147
sage: crt(7, 18, 31, 37) % 1147

gives the solution x=996, y=906. If M were singular for any of the  
divisors of your n, then you would get a lift of each solution.

- Robert

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