On Oct 27, 9:19 am, Stan Schymanski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Actually, the qepcad distro is only made for Linux and Solaris, so I
> suppose we would need to put more effort into getting it compiled on a
> mac.
> mksysdep.pl only tries to get the architecture of the computer in
> order to call the appropriate install script, but there is no install
> script for a Mac, anyway. I saw that there are people that got it
> compiled on a mac, but only the older version of qepcad 
> (e.g.http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~lp15/papers/Arith/qepcad-for-mac.html).
> I think this is becoming way too complicated for me. Sorry!

This should be fairly trivial to fix - at least to make it compile. I
am curious why the above web page states that the code cannot work on

> Stan


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