On Sun, Nov 2, 2008 at 12:10 PM, mabshoff
> On Nov 2, 12:03 pm, "William Stein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On Sun, Nov 2, 2008 at 11:52 AM, mabshoff
> <SNIP>
>> > Only two out of the 12 Magma files in the data/extcode/magma directory
>> > were loaded. Even when running all optional doctest only four or five
>> > Magma files out of 12 are loaded.
>> Intriguing. So there must be a lot of cruft in data/extcode/magma.
>> I'll look into it.
> I guess we are then in for a crapectomy:
> data/extcode/magma/ell_padic/padic_height.m
> data/extcode/magma/ell_padic/gl2.m
> data/extcode/magma/ell_padic/examples.m
> data/extcode/magma/ell_padic/kedlaya.m
> data/extcode/magma/ell_padic/shark.m
> data/extcode/magma/ell_padic/myl.m
> data/extcode/magma/padic_height/padic_height.m
> data/extcode/magma/padic_height/kedlaya.m

I think all the ell_padic stuff can go, since it was mainly there
to implement an old crappy algorithm for computing p-adic heights,
which is now done much better natively in Sage.

> data/extcode/magma/stoll/3descent.m

That's an important file (3descent.m).  It should get doctested.

> data/extcode/magma/sage/basic.m
> data/extcode/magma/user/foo.m
> data/extcode/magma/latex/latex.m

basic.m is important for conversions.

foo.m ??

latex.m is important and should get optional doctested. It's for
latexing magma objects.  It's pretty nice code that Jennifer
Balakrishnan wrote.

>> > I don't care either way. Easiest would probably be to add an entry in
>> > the FAQ for now and if people hit this problem regularly maybe we
>> > should attempt to solve this problem again.
>> That's an excellent suggestion.  If it comes up more, we'll make the
>> change you suggested.
> +1
>> William
> Since we are talking about Magma and Sage: I am still waiting on the
> mistakenly not attached patch for #4395 - it fixes two file when
> optional doctests are run :)



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