I see I expressed myself wrong
(I meant the problem was in the "for" line)
so what's going on is that gap is attempting to built first the whole
list and that is taking way too much time (right?)
are there any iterator that avoids that amount of memory and take the
elements "on the fly", like xrange?
Because I don't wanna print all of the matrices, I just wanted to
iterate among them and compute one counterexample and then break the
loop, and I just found out the problem was when the iteration begins.

On Mon, Nov 17, 2008 at 12:31 PM, Justin C. Walker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Nov 17, 2008, at 9:34 AM, Martin Mereb wrote:
>> I'm trying to run the following:
>> sage: n=3; q=7; G=SL(n,q)
>> sage: for a in G:
>> ....:     print a
>> ....:
>> it just got stuck there, nothing shows up (for a looong while)
>> this is Sage version 3.1.1
>> and if I try the same with q=4 it works (but it takes some time to
>> start)
>> any ideas?
> There's a Gap in your thinking.  Or, at least, in your processing :-}
> In this case (SL(n,q)), we ask Gap to produce the results.  In both
> cases (q=4,7), Gap is working pretty hard to come up with the
> elements in the group (it does have 5.6 million elements, for q=7;
> for q=4, it's ~60K).  In any case, the time is being spent in Gap,
> and it has nothing to do with 'for'.
> If you start Gap (e.g., "sage -gap" in a shell window), and compute
> either Elements(SL(3,7)) or AsList(SL(3,7)) (the latter presumably
> being faster, but I didn't have the patience to wait :-}), you will
> see what I mean.
> Justin
> --
> Justin C. Walker, Curmudgeon-At-Large
> Institute for the Absorption of Federal Funds
> --------
> Men are from Earth.
> Women are from Earth.
>    Deal with it.
> --------
> >

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