On Mon, Nov 17, 2008 at 3:24 PM, Martin Mereb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I see I expressed myself wrong
> (I meant the problem was in the "for" line)
> so what's going on is that gap is attempting to built first the whole
> list and that is taking way too much time (right?)
> are there any iterator that avoids that amount of memory and take the
> elements "on the fly", like xrange?
> Because I don't wanna print all of the matrices, I just wanted to
> iterate among them and compute one counterexample and then break the
> loop, and I just found out the problem was when the iteration begins.

GAP's Filtered command is relatively fast at doing that.

> On Mon, Nov 17, 2008 at 12:31 PM, Justin C. Walker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On Nov 17, 2008, at 9:34 AM, Martin Mereb wrote:
>>> I'm trying to run the following:
>>> sage: n=3; q=7; G=SL(n,q)
>>> sage: for a in G:
>>> ....:     print a
>>> ....:
>>> it just got stuck there, nothing shows up (for a looong while)
>>> this is Sage version 3.1.1
>>> and if I try the same with q=4 it works (but it takes some time to
>>> start)
>>> any ideas?
>> There's a Gap in your thinking.  Or, at least, in your processing :-}
>> In this case (SL(n,q)), we ask Gap to produce the results.  In both
>> cases (q=4,7), Gap is working pretty hard to come up with the
>> elements in the group (it does have 5.6 million elements, for q=7;
>> for q=4, it's ~60K).  In any case, the time is being spent in Gap,
>> and it has nothing to do with 'for'.
>> If you start Gap (e.g., "sage -gap" in a shell window), and compute
>> either Elements(SL(3,7)) or AsList(SL(3,7)) (the latter presumably
>> being faster, but I didn't have the patience to wait :-}), you will
>> see what I mean.
>> HTH
>> Justin
>> --
>> Justin C. Walker, Curmudgeon-At-Large
>> Institute for the Absorption of Federal Funds
>> --------
>> Men are from Earth.
>> Women are from Earth.
>>    Deal with it.
>> --------
>> >
> >

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