On Sat, Nov 22, 2008 at 5:08 PM, Thomas Madden
> Sorry for the simple question, but I don't know if I am quitting sage
> properly or even if it matters. I am new to open source and have
> little experience using Terminal. I am using OS X 10.5.5 and Safari
> 3.2. If I start Sage as suggested in the tutorial and then type quit
> as suggested on page 47 (print copy from amazon) everything goes
> according to the book. However, if I open up a notebook in Safari then
> how do I quit everything?
> I tried typing quit into Terminal and nothing seems to happen.

If you've started up the notebook "server" by typing

  sage: notebook()

in the terminal, press control-c once to exit from it.
Then at the sage prompt, type

  sage: quit

to exist sage.  At this point you can quit Terminal by hitting
Command-Q or clicking the close-window red dot.

> Similarly, for typing it directly into the notebook. Do I just quit
> Safari and Terminal in the usual manner, Command-Q?

Yes, but it is best to *first* press control-c in the terminal, wait for
the notebook server to shut down, then exit it with command-Q.

> When I quit
> Terminal this way it tells me it will terminate certain processes
> (bash, python ...) and I don't know if this is bad.
> I hope it will not be intolerable to have a complete novice posting
> some questions. I do have some experience with Maple and Mma, but up
> until now everything has been plug and play.
> Thomas
> >

William Stein
Associate Professor of Mathematics
University of Washington

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