Dear Sage support,

since a couple of hours I am fighting with a segmentation fault in a
Cython module. Can you help me?

I can boil it down to the following files:

1. Ccrash.h:
typedef unsigned char FEL;
typedef FEL *PTR;
typedef struct
  long i;
  long m;
} piv_t;
piv_t *_zfindpiv_(PTR row);

2. Ccrash.c:
#include "Ccrash.h"
piv_t *_zfindpiv_(PTR row)
        piv_t *P;
        return P;

3. Crash.pxd:
cdef extern from "Ccrash.h":
    ctypedef unsigned char FEL
    ctypedef FEL *PTR
    ctypedef struct piv_t:
        long i
        long m
    piv_t *_zfindpiv_(PTR row)

4. Crash.pyx:
def test():
    cdef PTR row
    print "Start"
    cdef piv_t *P = _zfindpiv_(row)
    print "Values", P.i, P.m
    return (P.i,P.m)

I made a, precisely:
> sage -cython Crash.pyx
> gcc -c -fPIC -I/home/king/SAGE/devel/sage-3.1.4/local/include/python2.5/ 
> Crash.c -o Crash.o
> gcc -shared Crash.o Ccrash.o -o

I tried it with sage -gdb, but I need help for understanding its

sage: from Crash import test
Error while mapping shared library sections:
./ Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden.
Error while reading shared library symbols:
./ Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden.

## Very strange, because ./ is present and is used in the next

sage: test()
Values 0 0
(0, 0)

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
[Switching to Thread 47137655676112 (LWP 6674)]
0x00000000004d0090 in frame_dealloc (f=0x3b04d00)
    at Objects/frameobject.c:424
424     Objects/frameobject.c: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden.
        in Objects/frameobject.c

So, apparently the segmentation fault occurs *after* the values are
returned by test().
What has happened? Is Cython unable to deallocate P or row properly??

Thanks in advance for your help

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