thanks for your advice. I'll try to write a new class, but i won't try
to merge it into SAGE ! i'll just try to use reasonable names for the
methods, so that my examples remain compatible with whatever
improvement gets written for SAGE one day... for the "database" i'll
use a dict indexed by the "group ID" as GAP understands it.

will keep you posted, but don't hold your breath, i'm afraid i have a
lot to do these days !


On Jan 19, 4:57 pm, John H Palmieri <> wrote:
> On Jan 19, 6:28 am, Pierre <> wrote:
> > hi all
> > I've just realized that SAGE knows about the Steenrod algebra now.
> > Does it know about unstable modules, too ?
> No, it doesn't, unfortunately.  (Sage doesn't know about tensor
> products, which has delayed me from implementing various things, like
> the coproduct, and I suppose modules.)
> > I have another, related question. I have computed the unstable module
> > structure on the mod 2 cohomology rings of quite a bunch of finite
> > groups, see
> >
> This looks very nice.
> > I was thinking that I should, somehow, provide a file readable by SAGE
> > so that people could use these algebras.
> Sure.
> > For one thing it would
> > provide many examples of unstable modules, which is always good to
> > test ideas about the Steenrod algebra. And regardless of the steenrod
> > operations, even the cohomology rings, as computed by Carlson and
> > others, are not available in SAGE yet (they're there as Magma files).
> > At this point I can relatively easily provide a partial translation
> > into SAGE.
> I think Simon King does some group cohomology computations with Sage,
> but I don't know exactly how he does it.
> > However I was wondering about the best "format" for this: assuming the
> > unstable algebra class does not exist, shall I present the algebras as
> > quotients of polynomial rings ? or just give a couple of SAGE lists
> > with the generators and relations, possibly just members of the formal
> > ring ? or something pickled perhaps ? I really don't know. Note that
> > I've got more information on these algebras yet (Stiefel-Whitney
> > classes...)
> It sounds to me as though you should create a new class, the
> UnstableAlgebra class, or the ModularGroupCohomology class, or
> something, which should derive from the class of quotients of
> polynomial algebras (so you can define at least part of the structure
> by specifying such a quotient), and then there should be extra
> structure: the Steenrod operations and Stiefel-Whitney classes and
> whatever else you have.
> > And shall I think of a mechanism for people to download ALL the
> > examples at once rather than separately ? (perhaps useful to try a
> > conjecture about unstable modules ?)
> You might have two files: one which defines the class, and another
> which presents all of the examples.  I haven't used databases in Sage,
> but perhaps the examples could be a dictionary indexed by the group,
> or something like that?
> I'm looking forward to whatever you come up with.
>   John Palmieri
> > suggestions most welcome.
> > Thanks,
> > pierre
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