Hi all.

I'm willing to invest some of my time to understand if I can be able
to do a step ahead with symbolic functions.

How are special symbolic functions supposed to be defined? I am
willing to experiment with delta of dirac function. This has some
special properties (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dirac_delta_function
), some of them are really useful but I don't know how to define them
in a CAS like maxima or SAGE.

I'm aware that it is already present in maxima, even though I don't
think it is recognized by SAGE. I am wondering whether a viable
approach could be to add to calculus.py a section similar to the one
of Function_gamma, so that SAGE simply interfaces to maxima. I don't
know if this is useful or not.

Otherwise, I would be interested in knowing if this could be done with
the new symbolic package. Burcin proved to be very helpful in showing
me a simple way to define delta function by means of its values and he
assigned it as being the derivative of heaviside function (defined in
a sort of piecewise function):

sage: heaviside(x).diff(x)

is there a way to implement the other properties? I am willing to know
if is there any documentation about that, because I am not able to
find that!

I am willing to learn something about pynac, but please feel free to
discourage me if you think it is too far away from being ready. Is
there any integration or derivation capability ready? Is it possible
to start testing it using maxima's integration capabilities? (I don't
think so...)
I was browsing the todo page ( http://wiki.sagemath.org/symbolics/pynac_todo
) but it seems that many action items went away... are they already
accomplished? (what about the TODO showed in http://wiki.sagemath.org/symbolics

I have to say I find the actual SAGE documentation seems pretty hard
to browse, but could be my fault. Yesterday I lost half an hour
looking for a "numerical solve" or something like that, before finding
the "find_roots" function. Today, I spent half an hour looking for
"differential equation solve" with no success. I am sure I could do
some DE solution in the past (something with maxima, something with
SymPy, I think, all through SAGE), but I think that I found the way to
do it pretty easily browsing the old reference manual...

Thanks a lot


PS: delta of dirac is already in SymPy (
http://code.google.com/p/sympy/issues/detail?id=672&can=1&q=dirac ),
am I correct in thinking that the current function definition is
different than SAGE? In this case, I assume this could be some good
reading, but not necessarily a source of inspiration, right?
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