On May 1, 2009, at 4:16 AM, Simon King wrote:

> Dear Supporters,
> I am about to create a sage package pGroupcohomology comprising
> several (extension) modules mtx, resolution, ...
> From various Python and Cython manual pages, I thought that I ought to
> write the following in my setup.py:
>   packages=["pGroupCohomology"],
>   ext_package="pGroupCohomology", # Here I am not sure: Necessary?

No, I don't think you need that.

>   ext_modules=[
>     Extension("pGroupCohomology.mtx", ...),
>     Extension("pGroupCohomology.resolution",...)], ...
> After installation, the following works:
>  sage: from pGroupCohomolog.mtx import MTX
>  sage: M=MTX('some data')
> I can do computations with M. But M does not know where it belongs to:
>  sage: M.__class__
>  <mtx.MTX class instance at ...>
> I am puzzled by the fact that it says <mtx.MTX> and not
> <pGroupCohomology.mtx.MTX>, which also makes pickling fail.
> Can you tell me why the above setup does not yield the desired package
> structure?

Is everything in a "pGroupCohomology" directory with an __init__.py  

- Robert

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