2009/6/17 bonzerpotato <bonzerpot...@hotmail.com>:
> After creating a number field A as below, when I try to find the units
> it tells me I need to use either the relative or absolute polynomial.
> I want the relative, but how do I implement this?
> sage: K.<q>=NumberField(x^2 +2); K
> Number Field in q with defining polynomial x^2 + 2
> sage: A.<c>=L.extension(x^3 +(q^3)*x^2 + (2*q^2)*x - 3*q); A

What is L?

> Number Field in c with defining polynomial b^3)*t^2 + (2*b^2)*t - 3*b
> over its base field
> sage: A.units()
> Traceback (click to the left for traceback)
> ...
> NotImplementedError: For a relative number field L you must use
> either L.relative_polynomial() or L.absolute_polynomial() as
> appropriate

Maybe L.absolute_field() would work?   I wonder if absolute_*polynomial*
is a typo and polynomial should be field?


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