
> thanks! however, not quite there - how do I get the units in terms of
> q?

So I just tried this in sage 4.0.2.rc2, and here's what I got:

sage: K.<q> = NumberField(x^2+2) ; K
Number Field in q with defining polynomial x^2 + 2
sage: B.<x> = K[]
sage: A.<c> = K.extension(x^3+(q^3)*x^2+(2*q^2)*x-3*q)
sage: A.unit
A.unit_group  A.unit_ideal  A.units
sage: A.unit_group()
Unit group with structure C2 x Z x Z of Number Field in c with
defining polynomial x^3 - 2*q*x^2 - 4*x - 3*q over its base field
sage: A.units()
[q*c - 1, (-405*q - 1845)*c^2 + (674*q - 3960)*c - 2058*q - 1465]

Is that what you were looking for? You could also do this (continuing
the above session):

sage: U = A.unit_group()
sage: U.gens()
[-1, q*c - 1, (-405*q - 1845)*c^2 + (674*q - 3960)*c - 2058*q - 1465]

To be honest, I haven't thought at all about what new patches made
this work (as the .units() call clearly failed before) -- but I bet
the patch was by either Nick Alexander or John Cremona, so maybe one
of them can pipe in and say "oh, I fixed that" to earn their fame and
glory. ;)


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