Robert,  how do I update my sage installation when you create a
patch.  Do I have to reinstall Sage?

On Jul 9, 5:37 am, Ahmed Fasih <> wrote:
> Jason, Robert, I'm trying to understand the patch, but it looks like
> this is a fix for *all* Numpy/Scipy-Sage type issues? If so---oh happy
> day!
> On Jul 9, 5:53 am, Jason Grout <> wrote:
> > Ahmed Fasih wrote:
> > > Writing your own is a good way to understand the implementation issues
> > > that we sometimes unthinkingly rely on, but for production code, it's
> > > always a good idea to default to the pre-packaged implementation.
> > > In this case, I think it's the standard issue with Scipy not
> > > understanding Sage types. This problem is described in
> > >
> > > sage: import scipy.stats as stats
> > > sage: stats.binom.pmf(1,10,.56,0)
> > > ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > > TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call
> > > last)
> > > <snip>
> > > TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for *: 'numpy.ndarray' and
> > > 'numpy.bool_'
> > > There are numerous fixes to this problem, one of which is:
> > > sage: stats.binom.pmf(1r,10r,.56r,0r)
> > > 0.0034614823012532187
> > Robert Bradshaw just posted a patch to #5081 that makes this work:
> > sage: from scipy import stats
> > sage: stats.binom.pmf(1,10,.56,0)
> > 0.0034614823012532187
> > (no preparser magic or anything; it just works).
> > And there was much rejoicing in the land!
> > Jason- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
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