Hi, I'm trying to run a simple script that basically loops through a
long list of polynomials, does some things with them in Axiom, and
imports the results back to Sage.  After running for a while (60-90
minutes) it will hang with the message "Axiom crashed -- automatically
restarting."  At this point I have to Interrupt and manually restart
the loop at the point where it failed.

Is there any way to catch this error automatically so I can continue
processing without having to manually restart?   I'd like to be able
to leave it running overnight or for days at a time, and manually
restarting it every hour is at best annoying.

I've tested and the crash doesn't happen at any specific point in the
input or even on a specific axiom command, but it does seem to occur
after the same amount of time roughly (1-1.5 hours) even with
different input, so I don't believe it's a coding flaw (even though
that would probably be the easiest thing to fix).  I'm more interested
in finding a way to handle this error, though, than preventing it from

Running Sage 4.0.1 and Fricas 1.0.3 on Windows Vista.

Here's the actual code I'm running, if it helps:


axiom.set('Q',   'FRAC INT')
axiom.set('Qx',  'UnivariatePolynomial(x,Q)')
axiom.set('Qxy', 'UnivariatePolynomial(y,FRAC Qx)')

def find_generator(D) :

    if (gcd(D,diff(D,x)) != 1): return [0,0]

    axiom.set('F', D)
    axiom.set('R', 'RadicalFunctionField(Q, Qx, Qxy, F :: Qx, 2)')
    axiom.set('V', 'FiniteDivisor(Q,Qx,Qxy,R)')
    axiom.set('S', 'PointsOfFiniteOrderRational(Qx, Qxy, R)')
    axiom.set('G', 'torsionIfCan(divisor(0,1)$V - divisor(0,-1)$V)$S')

    n = axiom('(G case "failed" => 0; G.order)').sage()
    if (n == 0) : return [0,0]

    # Needs .replace(' ','') since strings longer than 244 characters
get extra spaces put into
    #   them for some reason, which messes things up.
    f = sage_eval(axiom('lift(G.function) :: EXPR FRAC
INT').unparsed_input_form().replace(' ',''), locals={'x':x, 'y':y})



for a in range(-10,11) :
    for b in range(-10,11) :
        for c in range(-10,11) :
            D = x^4+a*x^3+b*x^2+c*x+1
            G = find_generator(D)
            if (G != [0,0]): print(D,G)

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