I'm having no luck getting the "bins" option to pylab.hist() to work.
Here's an example:

fish_data=[random() for i in range(100)]
import pylab
import numpy

divats = numpy.arange(0.0,1.0,0.1)
pylab.hist(fish_data, bins=divats)

Without the "bins=divats" it gives the expected output.  With it, it
says "... TypeError: function not supported for these types, and can't
coerce safely to supported types".  I was following the example at
http://msenux.redwoods.edu/math/python/hist.php for the use of hist().

Other approaches would be welcome.  The goal is to compare the
distributions output by different simulations graphically, without
doing any statistical analysis.  The rpy interface complains about
lack of X11 support, at least on sagenb.org.

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