On Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 11:06 AM, William Stein<wst...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 6:27 AM, Mani chandra<mchan...@iitk.ac.in> wrote:
>> William Stein wrote:
>>> On Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 2:26 AM, Juan Jose
>>> Garcia-Ripoll<juanjose.garciarip...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>>>> On Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 10:57 AM, William Stein<wst...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Note that Sage's Maxima uses ECL.  So the basic question is, how can
>>>>> we increase the memory that Maxima + ECL can use?
>>>> The limits ECL has are by default too small for big applications, but
>>>> it is intentionally done so. However, changing them is pretty easy:
>>>> add a call to ext:set-limit in any file of maxima that forms part of
>>>> the final executable.
>>>> The different memory limits that can be independently controlled are 
>>>> listed here
>>>>     http://ecls.sourceforge.net/new-manual/re34.html
>>>> So for instance, in your case, which hits the dynamically allocated
>>>> memory limit, you might add the following
>>>>     (ext:set-limit 'ext:heap-size (* 1024 1024 1024))
>>>> to maxima/src/ecl-port.lisp in order get 1GB memory limit.
>>>> Juanjo
>>> Thanks!!!  I've made this trac #6772:
>>> http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/6772
>>>  -- William
>>> >
>> Hi,
>>    I'm glad that this issue has finally been taken up. But as an interm
>> measure, how does one pass this command through a sage code? I tried
>> maxima.eval_String, but it doesn't seem to work.
> My understanding is that one has to modify the maxima source code
> itself and recompile maxima.
>>  In an unrelated note, I rewrote my code trying to use a standalone
>> installation of sympy and it takes forever to compute what maxima in
>> sage did in a few mins, so I guess sympy is nowhere close to "industrial
>> strength".
>> Mani chandra
> You should post your program to the sympy list and complain.  I'm sure
> they would love to fix whatever is making it so slow.  A lot of people
> are actively working on sympy this summer.

Could you please post your program to us? I just spent 3 months
working on MHD in Los Alamos and as a SymPy developer I would love to
see your real life application and what makes it slow and fix it.


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