Dear William,


I am so sorry to perhaps put more noise in this thread, my modem was dead and 
for this reason is why until today I am reading it, and I just want to share my 
experience with Cygwin and to tell you that since 2005 I was working very well 
with my Cygwin installation combining quite armoniusly both worlds of Unix and 
Windows mainly EPD in the last one, files were easy to share and there were'nt 
any scientific linux library which I cannot put into work on my Cygwin where I 
also use to run my fortran and C++ codes. Then in 2008 I discover SAGE in a 
precompiled binary for Windows and I became a fan of it, so I was very 
dissapointed when I could'nt run it after a failed update. I search for the 
possibility to install it from source on Cygwin but (I believe in a comment I 
found from you) it was almost impossible to do it. I try the VMware 
installation for a while but it seemed to me that it was not the same 
functionality, and as far as I could thought I could'nt understand why I should 
have a Cygwin (which now had deceived me for that reason) and a VMware linux at 
the same time in the same machine. So I decided to delete Cygwin and the VMWare 
and make an Ubuntu 9.04 linux partition. I have moved all my stuff just below 
SAGE in order to have the possibility to make all kind of calculations 
algebraic as well as numerical within it, I was a little unconfident with this 
last linux installation because in other computers I have had issues after a 
while with the hard disk and lost info.  However I have been working 
succesfully during a year and a half until without thinking I accept the linux 
upgrade to 9.10 automatically and all that happy world came down in little 
pieces, because I have again troubles with the hard disk and lost all the work 
I have dedicated to configure my SAGE installation.

The best of the Cygwin world is its reliability and windows compatibility I 
think the existence of a Cygwin SAGE would make me very happy again because I 
could trust my software to it.


Have a nice 2010 year

> Date: Fri, 1 Jan 2010 15:13:01 -0800
> Subject: Re: [sage-support] SAGE and .NET interoperability.
> From:
> To:
> On Fri, Jan 1, 2010 at 2:46 PM, Dr. David Kirkby
> <> wrote:
> > William Stein wrote:
> >> On Fri, Jan 1, 2010 at 9:04 AM, Dr. David Kirkby
> >> <> wrote:
> >>> William Stein wrote:
> >>>
> >>>> Unfortunately, there is no native port of Sage to Microsoft Windows (I
> >>>> wish there were).  So you can't use it from .NET.
> >>>>
> >>>>  -- William
> >>> Is that situation changing?
> >>
> >> Not lately.
> >
> > Shame. As much as I do not like to admit it, a Windows version would
> > dramatically increase the user base.
> >
> > That said, tech savvy people who are thinking of running Sage are more 
> > likely to
> > use OS X, Linux, Solaris than the average PC user.
> >
> > But still, a large number of tech savvy people only use Windows.
> >
> >>> I was under the impression Microsoft were sponsoring
> >>> a port, but I've not heard much about it.
> >>
> >> 2 years ago Microsoft sponsored part-time work on a port for a year.
> >
> > There was never a hope in hells chance with that.
> >
> > To get ALL of the functionality of Sage, the time is going to be several man
> > years - probably 10 to 30 of them. A more limited subset of functionality 
> > would
> > take less time of course.
> >
> > If people can run some parts of Sage, but it pops up with the occasional:
> >
> > "Sorry, that functionality is not available in the native Windows version of
> > Sage. Please use Linux, Solaris or Install VirtulBox on your PC and 
> > download an
> > image from ..."
> >
> > A limited sub set of the full functionality:
> >
> > 1) May be sufficient for many users.
> >
> > 2) Might get them wanting more, and so upgrade.
> >
> > Shareware software was often like that. You get some functionality free, 
> > but you
> > paid for the rest. Well in this case, they don't pay money, but they have 
> > to pay
> > with a bit of effort to install Linux, Solaris or VirtualBox, plus learn to 
> > use
> > Linux/Unix.
> >
> >
> >
> >>> Knowing the hurdles to overcome in porting Sage to Solaris, I would 
> >>> imagine
> >>> those hurdles are much larger to port to Windows. However, with a larger 
> >>> user
> >>> base, perhaps you can attract more developers, so a port is easier.
> >>
> >> That appears to not be the case.   After 3-4 years of
> >> waiting/trying/encouraging, I'm pretty sure the only way Sage will
> >> ever get ported to Windows is if me and Mike Hansen just do it
> >> ourselves.
> >
> > I'd go for the limited subset approach.
> The Cygwin-based port will provide all functionality, not a limited
> subset. As an estimate of difficulty: I'm confident Mike Hansen and I
> working fulltime for one month could complete it. It would have been
> finished already if good people were working on it. Just to back up
> that claim, consider:
> (1) For most of 2005 and 2006, Gary Zablackis distributed a
> Cygwin-based version of Sage, complete with a nice automated 1-click
> .msi installer. Unfortunately, Gary stopped working on this in
> mid-2006 so it languished. Gary was exceptionally capable, in that he
> actually understood the internals of Cygwin1.dll, and wasn't afraid to
> dive in, hack stuff in there, report bugs to the Cygwin dev's. etc.
> Once a new version of Cygwin1.dll completeley broke robustly building
> Python C extensions, and Gary had a huge argument with the Cygwin devs
> about this (he was right about the technical issues).
> (2) In Jan 2007, I spent one solid week and redid a port of Sage to
> Cygwin, which people used for a while around then. I was motivated
> by an upcoming visit to Microsoft to give a talk.
> (3) The Cygwin port was killed around March 2007 mainly because of
> libSingular. More precisely I'll take responsibility -- I made a bad
> choice to let libSingular into Sage without the portability issues
> that it caused on Cygwin being resolved.
> (4) The Cygwin port has stayed dead for almost two years, from March
> 2007 until now, while much new functionality has been added to Sage,
> thus making the port even harder. (It's possible this was because a
> certain Sage developer staked out doing a Windows port as "his
> terrain".) On the other hand, the build system and code in Sage has
> been made more portable and is better understood, due to porting to OS
> X 64-bit, Solaris, etc., so maybe the port is easier now.
> (5) In the meantime, Cygwin itself has certainly got much better.
> For example, they just did a new release that evidently greatly
> improves their fork system call, which is highly relevant for Sage.
> ---------
> For a full native MSVC-based port, a limited subset of functionality
> is perhaps more realistic, and might be the approach we're already
> following. However, note that creating a version of Sage with
> "limited functionality" is actually very, very difficult, and requires
> exceptional knowledge of Sage, Python/Cython programming, and a wide
> range of areas of advanced mathematics. The different parts of
> mathematics are actually highly interrelated.
> -- William
> -- 
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Compra seguro con Otto

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