Andreas Tille wrote:
2010/2/5 Dr. David Kirkby <>:
Have you created the account called 'sageuser'?

Yes.  The user 'sageuser' is actually the user which was used to install
Sage to make sure he has all needed permissions.  Also the command


is running by sageuser.

Can you log in via ssh to that account, with no password?

Yes - but I admit I really fail to see in how far this is connected
to work on the worksheet via http based authentication.  An
ssh account requires ssh key exchange from one host to another
and I see no way how my browser might read my privat key
on localhost to enable authentication on the host running sage.
I have read about this passwordless login in connection with
running Sage in a service started at boot time and this thing
would be my next question.  Currently I started the command
above manually.

The ssh keys are important and has nothing to do with http, or even https.

The basic idea is that the server process should run as one user, and the data be stored as a second user. This adds some measure of security. The user running the server must be able to ssh to the user where the files are stored via password less ssh.

Note, this will not happen by default, even if you use the same user account.

Here I am user 'drkirkby' on my own machine, and I try to ssh to my own account on the local host.

drkir...@kestrel:~$ ssh drkir...@localhost
The authenticity of host 'localhost (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is 55:45:b6:ed:05:bb:e1:be:21:0a:0a:93:87:15:4d:41.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added 'localhost' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.

Note it asks for a password. As such, this would be be set up to run Sage.

I might be tempted to replace 'myhost' with
'localhost' if its on your local host.

No it is not.  The host I've installed sage on is a virtual host
with no X server, thus no graphical browser.  I tried w3m to
test whether localhost is working.  Unfortunately the "Sign in"
button is some active script which is not displayed in w3m
as navigation link - so I can not really verify.

In this case, the virtual host must be able to log into sageu...@myhost via passwordless ssh. If not, you get the problem you describe.

I have set up a sage server before

in that case there are two accounts on the machine related to sage.

1) sageserv which runs the server
2) sage1 which is where files are stored. The user sageserv must be able to log into sa...@localhost via pass wordless ssh.

-bash-3.00$ who am i
sageserv   pts/4        Feb  8 01:37    (
-bash-3.00$ ssh sa...@localhost

Last login: Mon Feb  8 01:37:59 2010 from localhost

Sun Microsystems Inc.   SunOS 5.10      Generic January 2005

Unlike previous case for user drkirkby, where I needed a password to log into my own account, here I need no password to log into another account.

Any further information I could provide to track down the proble

I hope that helps.

Kind regards


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