Thank you all,

I hope that I didn't seem annoyed by the current way of doing things.
I have been charged with translating some examples for an
undergraduate algebra course which use Magma where this is a valid

The whole goal of the example was to have the students do the
extension over the non-prime field, but since this isn't possible, and
may be very difficult to do in general, I will find a way around this.
Thank you for all of the help!


David M. Monarres

P.S. If anybody has any literature which outlines the algorithms
required to implement the more general construction it would be great.
I have time over the summer and would love to contribute what I can.

On Thu, Jun 2, 2011 at 11:44 AM, Nils Bruin <> wrote:
> On May 25, 12:26 pm, "D. Monarres" <> wrote:
>> Then I construct F_{5^2}
>> sage: F25.<a>   = F5.extension( PR[0], 'a')
>> and everything works great. The problem arises when  I want to extend
>> this field. When I try to construct my polynomial over F25 I get an
>> error that F25 does not allow for iteration.
> You are hitting a generic implementation here. The same code would get
> called for other base rings as well. If you want a finite field, you
> can use the "modulus=" keyword with GF. See "GF?" for more
> information.
>> Do you think that
>> PolynomialQuotientRing_field can be extended to support iteration as
>> long as it is finite?
> It could, but it might be the wrong place to do it. The fact that the
> result was going to be finite was already known when F5.extension got
> called, so the obvious place to effect a changed behaviour would be by
> specializing the "extension" method on finite fields. If the modulus
> is irreducible (and even the generic code seems to check for that), it
> could specialize to the required GF(...,modulus=,,,) call.
> One might want to check that all the generic methods available on the
> result of F5.extension are also available on the result of GF,
> otherwise the change would break code that depends on the current
> behaviour (if any).
> The reason why F5.extension doesn't produce a "finite field" is
> probably because there is another way of doing that and the original
> authors didn't bother specializing F5.extension to it (the very
> existence of F5.extension might postdate the GF(...modulus=...) call
> and only appear on finite fields due to inheritance).
> --
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