Hi Nathann,

I extracted the modified is_chordal function, it is shown below.

Regards, Jan

def is_chordal(self, certificate = False):
    Tests whether the given graph is chordal.

    A Graph `G` is said to be chordal if it contains no induced hole
    cycle of length at least 4).

    Alternatively, chordality can be defined using a Perfect
    Order :

    A Perfect Elimination Order of a graph `G` is an ordering
    of its vertex set such that for all `i`, the neighbors of `v_i`
    index is greater that `i` induce a complete subgraph in `G`.
Hence, the
    graph `G` can be totally erased by successively removing vertices
    neighborhood is a clique (also called *simplicial* vertices)

    (It can be seen that if `G` contains an induced hole, then it can
    have a perfect elimination order. Indeed, if we write
`h_1,...,h_k` the
    `k` vertices of such a hole, then the first of those vertices to
    removed would have two non-adjacent neighbors in the graph.)

    A Graph is then chordal if and only if it has a Perfect


    - ``certificate`` (boolean) -- Whether to return a certificate.

        * If ``certificate = False`` (default), returns ``True`` or
          ``False`` accordingly.

        * If ``certificate = True``, returns :

            * ``(True, peo)`` when the graph is chordal, where ``peo``
is a
              perfect elimination order of its vertices.

            * ``(False, Hole)`` when the graph is not chordal, where
              ``Hole`` (a ``Graph`` object) is an induced subgraph of
              ``self`` isomorphic to a hole.


    This algorithm works through computing a Lex BFS on the graph,
    checking whether the order is a Perfect Elimination Order by
    for each vertex `v` the subgraph induces by its non-deleted
    then testing whether this graph is complete.

    This problem can be solved in `O(m)` [Rose75]_ ( where `m` is the
    of edges in the graph ) but this implementation is not linear
because of
    the complexity of Lex BFS. Improving Lex BFS to linear complexity
    make this algorithm linear.

    The complexity of this algorithm is equal to the complexity of the
    implementation of Lex BFS.


    The lexicographic product of a Path and a Complete Graph
    is chordal ::

        sage: g =
        sage: g.is_chordal()

    The same goes with the product of a random lobster
    ( which is a tree ) and a Complete Graph ::

        sage: g =
        sage: g.is_chordal()

    The disjoint union of chordal graphs is still chordal::

        sage: (2*g).is_chordal()

    Let us check the certificate given by Sage is indeed a perfect
elimintion order::

        sage: (_, peo) = g.is_chordal(certificate = True)
        sage: for v in peo:
        ...       if not g.subgraph(g.neighbors(v)).is_clique():
        ...            print "This should never happen !"
        ...       g.delete_vertex(v)
        sage: print "Everything is fine !"
        Everything is fine !

    Of course, the Petersen Graph is not chordal as it has girth 5 ::

        sage: g = graphs.PetersenGraph()
        sage: g.girth()
        sage: g.is_chordal()

    We can even obtain such a cycle as a certificate ::

        sage: (_, hole) = g.is_chordal(certificate = True)
        sage: hole
        Subgraph of (Petersen graph): Graph on 5 vertices
        sage: hole.is_isomorphic(graphs.CycleGraph(5))


    .. [Rose75] Rose, D.J. and Tarjan, R.E.,
      Algorithmic aspects of vertex elimination,
      Proceedings of seventh annual ACM symposium on Theory of
      Page 254, ACM 1975

    .. [Fulkerson65] Fulkerson, D.R. and Gross, OA
      Incidence matrices and interval graphs
      Pacific J. Math 1965
      Vol. 15, number 3, pages 835--855


    Trac Ticket #11735::

        sage: g = Graph({3:[2,1,4],2:[1],4:[1],5:[2,1,4]})
        sage: _, g1 = g.is_chordal(certificate=True); g1.is_chordal()
        sage: g1.is_isomorphic(graphs.CycleGraph(g1.order()))

    # If the graph is not connected, we are computing the result on
each component
    if not self.is_connected():

        # If the user wants a certificate, we had no choice but to
        # collect the perfect elimination orders... But we return
        # a hole immediately if we find any !
        if certificate:
            peo = []
            for gg in self.connected_components_subgraphs():

                b, certif = gg.is_chordal(certificate = True)
                if not b:
                    return certif

            return True, peo

        # One line if no certificate is requested
            return all( gg.is_chordal() for gg in
self.connected_components_subgraphs() )

    peo,t_peo = self.lex_BFS(reverse=True, tree=True)

    g = self.copy()

    # Remembering the (closed) neighborhoods of each vertex
    from sage.combinat.subset import Subsets
    neighbors_subsets = dict([(v,Subsets(self.neighbors(v)+[v])) for v
in self.vertex_iterator()])
    pos_in_peo = dict(zip(peo, range(self.order())))
    # Iteratively removing vertices and checking everything is fine.
    for v in reversed(peo):

        if t_peo.out_degree(v)>0 and [v1 for v1 in g.neighbors(v) if
pos_in_peo[v1] > pos_in_peo[v]] not in

            # Do we need to return a hole ?
            if certificate:

                # In this case, let us take two nonadjacent neighbors
                # v. In order to do so, we pick a vertex y which is a
                # neighbor of v but is not adjacent to x, which we
                # exists by the test written two lines above.
                max_tup = (-1, 0)
                nb1 = [u for u in g.neighbors(v) if pos_in_peo[u] >
                for xi in nb1:
                    for yi in nb1:
                        if not [yi] in neighbors_subsets[xi]:
                            new_tup = (pos_in_peo[xi], pos_in_peo[yi])
                            if max_tup < new_tup:
                                max_tup = new_tup
                                x, y = xi, yi
                g.delete_vertices([vv for vv in g.vertices() if
pos_in_peo[vv] < pos_in_peo[v]])
                g.delete_vertices([vv for vv in g.neighbors(v) if vv !
= y and vv != x])

                # Our hole is v + (a shortest path between x and y not
                # containing v or any of its neighbors).

                hole = self.subgraph([v] + g.shortest_path(x,y))

                # There was a bug there once, so it's better to check
                # answer is valid, especally when it is so cheap ;-)

                if hole.order() <= 3 or not hole.is_regular(k=2):
                    raise Exception("The graph is not chordal, and
something went wrong in the computation of the certificate. Please
report this bug, providing the graph if possible !")

                return (False, hole)
                return False

    if certificate:
        return True, peo

        return True

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