Ivan and Karl,

Thanks for pointing out Huss and Marik's sws2tex!  That's mostly what I
want.  As discussed on ask.sagemath.org, there are some problems:
with solutions: turning off syntax highlighting, turning off the attach
file, saving the TeX file
no (yet!) solutions: aligns of equations are not converted correctly
other problem I found: \$ and \% are not handled correctly (which is a big
problem when discussing financial math!)

On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 10:39 AM, kcrisman <kcris...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I've started trying to make some of the code then into SageTeX blocks,
> but didn't get very far because I haven't used SageTeX enough to know
> what I want to do.  If you are pretty used to SageTeX, it should be a
> very short script or search/replace to change things into what you
> like.   But you might not even need it, since the outputs and inputs
> are all there...

It is convenient not to need to redo the computation, but it somehow feels
cleaner to use SageTeX to just redo the computation (nothing is too
complicated).  One problem I have is that the notebook captures "print"
commands, while I haven't figured out a way to do that in SageTeX.

Thanks everyone for your help!

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