
I your question you gave an example where you set A=4, after which A
has the type Integer:

sage: A=4
sage: type(A)
<type 'sage.rings.integer.Integer'>

and it would not make very much sense to provide a method for this
class to test for integrality, since every such element is an Integer
by definition.  I suspect that in your intended application, A will be
the result of come computation resulting in a real number, and you
want to test whether it is (at least approximately) integral.  Here
are some ideas:

sage: A = 4.001
sage: A in ZZ
sage: A == round(A)

sage: A=4.0
sage: A in ZZ
sage: A == round(A)

but you have to be careful:
sage: x = RR(exp(pi*sqrt(163)))
sage: x-round(x)
sage: x in ZZ
sage: x = RealField(100)(exp(pi*sqrt(163)))
sage: x-round(x)
sage: x in ZZ

John Cremona

On Mar 15, 12:35 pm, Laurent <> wrote:
> > 3.
> > If, in your application, it is enough to know whether the given object
> > x is equal to an integer, then you could do "x in ZZ". Note that this
> > property has nothing to do with the type!
> > We already have four different meanings of the question "Is x an
> > integer?". Since different meanings of the question require different
> > answers, there is certainly not *one* single test for "bein an
> > integer" in Sage.
> Well. I didn't think to that. Thanks very much for your answer. I take
> the third solution :)
> In my case, I just want to make the difference between numbers like pi/2
> and 90 in order to guess if the user is thinking about degrees or radian.
> Laurent

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