Hi, David,

Thanks for your explanation about the minimize function in sage. I didn't 
realize it's only for differentiable functions.

For the stuff regarding lattice, I think there may be some misunderstanding 

What I want is to find the minimum of a lattice.

A lattice L can be defined as

L={x=\lambda M| \lambda\in Z^m},

where M is the generator matrix of L and the gram matrix of L is equal to 

The matrix 
[1 2]
[3 4]
has determinant 4-2*3=-2, which is nonzero. Moreover, I use it as the generator 
matrix for lattice, not the gram matrix. Thus I don't think it needs to be 
symmetric or Hermitian.

As for the definition of minimum of a lattice, I assume it's defined for 
all lattice, thus there should be no other restrictions on the generator 
matrix (not gram matrix) except for it to be invertible.

According to the definition I found:

N(x)=x\cdot x=(x,x)=\sum x_i^2

for a vector x=(x_1,x_2,\dots,x_n) in a lattice and the minimum norm of 
lattice L is 

min{N(x): x\in L, x\neq  0}.

When I calculate Mv (M is the generator matrix and v is the vector (x,y) 
with x,y both integers) I get a vector in L. Then I find the norm of Mv, 
which is the norm of this vector in L.

What I need is the minimum of this value.

Did I get the wrong definition of the minimum of lattice?

Best Regards,

On Thursday, September 6, 2012 6:50:00 PM UTC+8, David Loeffler wrote:
> Dear Cindy, 
> Without wishing to cause offence, I think your problem isn't a Sage 
> problem: it's that you don't understand the mathematical problem that 
> you're trying to solve. 
> Firstly, if V is an inner product space with basis v_1, ..., v_n and M 
> is its Gram matrix (the matrix whose i,j entry is v_i paired with 
> v_j), then the norm of the vector with coordinates x_1, .., x_n is not 
> the usual norm of (M * [x_1; ...; x_n]); it's [x_1, ..., x_n] * M * 
> [x_1; ...; x_n]. 
> Secondly, the matrix [1, 2; 3, 4] is not symmetric or Hermitian and 
> its determinant is 0, so it is not the Gram matrix of a positive 
> definite inner product space. 
> Thirdly, the "minimize" function does what it says on the tin: it 
> finds the minimum value of a function, and it does so by using 
> calculus, assuming the function is differentiable. The minimum value 
> of the norm of a vector in a positive definite inner product space is 
> 0, the norm of the zero vector. You want the minimum value at a 
> non-zero integer point and calculus is not going to help you with 
> that. 
> May I ask what motivates this long string of questions? Are you a 
> student? If so, you should go back and read your undergraduate linear 
> algebra notes a bit more carefully. 
> Regards, David Loeffler 
> On 6 September 2012 10:38, Cindy <cindy42...@gmail.com <javascript:>> 
> wrote: 
> > BTW, the generator matrix I used for the previous example is 
> > [1 2] 
> > [3 4] 
> > 
> > Thanks. 
> > 
> > Cindy 
> > 
> > 
> > On Wednesday, September 5, 2012 7:31:48 PM UTC+8, David Loeffler wrote: 
> >> 
> >> > how can I get the minimum norm for the 
> >> > ideal lattice (J,\alpha) using sage? 
> >> 
> >> What have you tried so far? 
> >> 
> >> David 
> > 
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