On 2014-02-07, Erik Quaeghebeur <s...@equaeghe.nospammail.net> wrote:
>> []... I conduct iterative linear solving, and don't like the idea of
>> starting afresh every time I add a constraint; as I recall, one ought
>> to be able to warm start even at that point, simply moving from the
>> old, at worst currently infeasible solution to a feasible solution.
>> [...]
> FYI: because I needed the warm restart functionality, and wanted to 
> learn Cython, I decided to try and write a Cython/Python GLPK interface. 
Would it be faster, and more useful for Sage development, to modify Sage code ?

> Current preliminary version can be found at
>       https://github.com/equaeghe/epyglpki/
> Nothing but the most trivial operations have been tested at this point 
> and many aspects have not yet been wrapped. In case the Sage developers 
> find something interesting in the code, they are of course very welcome 
> to take parts. Suggestions and comments are welcome as issues on Github; 
> pull-requests also welcome. (No promises of acting on them, however.)
> Cheers,
> Erik

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