[...], and wanted to learn Cython, I decided to try and write a
Cython/Python GLPK interface.

Would it be faster, and more useful for Sage development, to modify
Sage code ?

For my purpose of learning Cython, this approach was more useful and certainly faster.

As for this works usefulness for Sage: the numerical module is far more than just a wrapper for GLPK (also, but not limited to, wrappers for CBC, Gurobi, CPLEX, and a wrapper to unify them all). Such coverage makes code modifications more difficult (much more factors to take into account). With what I have done now, the maintainers of the numerical module can copy the parts of the glpk.pxd file I created they deem useful, the same goes for the glpk-constants.pxi file. The epyglpki.pyx module is most likely too far removed from the Sage numerical architecture to be directly useful.


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