Hi sage-support community!

Recently I've tried the following code at sagecell (permalink 

t = Tachyon(xres=400,yres=400, camera_center=(2,0,0))
t.light((4,3,2), 0.2, (1,1,1))
t.texture('t2', ambient=0.1, diffuse=0.9, specular=0.5, opacity=1.0, color=(
t.texture('t3', ambient=0.1, diffuse=0.9, specular=0.5, opacity=1.0, color=(
t.texture('t4', ambient=0.1, diffuse=0.9, specular=0.5, opacity=1.0, color=(
t.sphere((0,0.5,0), 0.2, 't2')
t.sphere((0.5,0,0), 0.2, 't3')
t.sphere((0,0,0.5), 0.2, 't4')

And this was the result:

AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-1-d6c906df5871> in <module>()
      7 t.sphere((RealNumber('0.5'),Integer(0),Integer(0)), RealNumber('0.2'), 
      8 t.sphere((Integer(0),Integer(0),RealNumber('0.5')), RealNumber('0.2'), 
----> 9 t.show()

 in show(self, verbose, extra_opts)
    320             filename = graphics_filename()
    321             self.save(filename, verbose=verbose, extra_opts=extra_opts)
--> 322             sage.misc.misc.display_image(filename)
    323             return
    324         filename = tmp_filename(ext='.png')

AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'display_image'

Same code works fine at www.sagenb.org: it shows the three spheres

I've searched sage-support, ask sage and trac sage, but couldn't find any 
similar issue.

Checking the source code I coded the following workaround within the cell (

# t is as above
# t.show() replaced by:
filename = sage.misc.temporary_file.graphics_filename()

Is this a bug in the method show() from the Tachyon class?

Thanks in advance,


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