
On Tuesday, July 8, 2014 2:53:33 PM UTC-4, Jole Bradbury wrote:
> I have a Django project with 
> #!/usr/bin/env sage -python
> from django.shortcuts import render
> from django.http import HttpResponse
> import sys
> from django.http import HttpRequest
> from django.template import RequestContext, loaders
> sys.path.append('/Users/Jole/Desktop/django_proj/mysite/sage/src/bin')
> sys.path.append('/Users/Jole/Desktop/django_proj/mysite/sage/')
> from sage.all import *
> def index(request):
>     querystring = request.GET.get('querystring')
>     return HttpResponse(querystring)
> As you can see I am trying to import sage as a library into my Python 
> document so I can do some sage computations.
> Unfortunately, when I fire up my Django server on localhost, I get: No 
> module named sage.all
> As an error message. As you can see I have already tried appending to the 
> path. My Python Path includes sage and I can see this on my Django page, 
> however my "PATH" is 
> '/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.4/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/git/bin'
> According to the Django server output. I'm not sure if this could be the 
> problem. Any help would be *greatly appreciated.*

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