On Thursday, 4 December 2014 07:27:21 UTC+1, Nathann Cohen wrote:
> Also, I do not understand why you have so many expressions like: 
> (val*bm.transpose())[0,0] 
val*bm.transpose() is actually a number but the way Sage handles it is 

sage: M = Matrix(RR,[[1],[1]])
sage: Matrix(RR,[[-1,0]])*M
sage: abs(Matrix(RR,[[-1,0]])*M) 
-1.00000000000000 # some norm of the matrix??

soo I either have to do abs(abs(...)) or access the (only) element of the 

> If you have performance problems, do not compute a whole matrix if you 
> are only interested by its [0,0] coordinate O_o 
> You call j.transpose() repeatedly. Store jt=j.transpose() and use it. 
> Store and use bm.transpose() instead of bm. You tanspose bm when you 
> use it in the first loop, and you transpose bm() again in 
> vec2int[j].transpose(). 
> Also, given that the profiling does not say much of where 99% of the 
> computations is going, try to run your code without the .write() calls 
> (and their internal str() calls). Make it run without storing anything 
> and see how it goes. Perhaps you should store the results directly as 
> Sage objects using "save" and not as strings... No idea, you need to 
> test things ^^; 
Thanks for the suggestions I'll check them out. 

> Nathann 
> On 4 December 2014 at 03:44, Nils Bruin <nbr...@sfu.ca <javascript:>> 
> wrote: 
> > On Wednesday, December 3, 2014 1:33:46 PM UTC-8, Jernej wrote: 
> >> 
> >> 
> >>     for i in xrange(1, cur): 
> >>         for j in xrange(i+1, cur): 
> >>             iv = (cache[i]*vec2int[j].transpose())[0,0] 
> > 
> > 
> > It looks like you should rewrite this loop so that j is the out 
> variable, so 
> > that you can pull 
> >     vec2int[j].transpose() 
> > to the out loop. No need to cache it. 
> > 
> > In any case, your profiling data indicates: 
> > 
> >         1   85.572   85.572  113.024  113.024 
> > <string>:9(constructGraph_fast) 
> >   3733128   10.413    0.000   10.413    0.000 
> > matrix_space.py:145(__classcall__) 
> >   1604418    9.434    0.000   19.921    0.000 {method 'transpose' of 
> > 'sage.matrix.matrix_dense.Matrix_dense' objects} 
> >   1604418    3.186    0.000    4.174    0.000 {method '__copy__' of 
> > 'sage.matrix.matrix_generic_dense.Matrix_generic_dense' objects} 
> > 
> > so most time is spent in "constructGraph_fast", which I guess is your 
> > program itself. The transpose is a bit noticeable but hardly constitutes 
> the 
> > majority of the time. The construction for the matrix spaces is incurred 
> > twice: both for the transpose and for computing the product. By pulling 
> the 
> > transpose to the outside loop that should roughly be cut in half (and 
> you'd 
> > only have the sqrt of the number of transposes). 
> > 
> > It looks like most time is getting lost in basic python interpretation 
> and 
> > shuffling around elements. If you make a big matrix out of cache[i] 
> vectors, 
> > you can eliminate the loop over i. The only thing left would be 
> inspecting 
> > the elements, for which you can then write a simple cython routine 
> (which 
> > should be lightning fast). 

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