Just for fun I wrote an equivalent program in C and tested the Sage 
function and an equivalent C program on 1 instance of the problem.

$ time ./a.out test

real    0m0.366s
user    0m0.306s
sys     0m0.060s

And Sage

$ time sage test.sage test

real    2m6.285s
user    2m5.256s
sys     0m0.858s

I thought that may be interesting to you as well.



On Wednesday, 3 December 2014 22:33:46 UTC+1, Jernej wrote:
> Dear sage-support,
> I have stumbled into a performance bottleneck in one of my Sage programs. 
> I would like to share the relevant problem  here in hope anyone has a 
> constructive suggestion for optimizing the given program.
> I am given a n x n, (0,1) matrix C  where n < 20. C has up to 30% of 
> nonzero elements. 
> I define the inner product <u,v> = u (2I - C) v^t and need to compute the 
> set S of all (0,1) n-vectors u such that <u,u> = 2 and <u,j> = -1, where j 
> is the vector with all ones. Finally I need to record all pairs u,v from S 
> such that <u,v> == -1 or 0.
> The one optimization that I use is to cache the product u*(2I-C). Other 
> than that I don't see any other way to optimize the program hence it looks 
> like
> ====
> global vectors
> field = RR # this looks like the fastest option
> def init_vectors(n):
>     global vectors
>     vectors = [matrix(field,b) for b in product(*[[0,1]]*n)]
> def foo(C,output): 
>     global vectors
>     n = C.nrows()
>     # we compute the inverse in QQ just to gain a bit of numerical 
> stability 
>     D  = (2*identity_matrix(n)-C).inverse()
>     D = Matrix(field,D)
>     j = matrix(field, tuple([1 for _ in xrange(n)]))
>     cur = 1 
>     vec2int = {}
>     cache = {}
>     for bm in vectors:
>         val = bm*D
>         if abs( (val*bm.transpose())[0,0]-2) <= 0.000001 and 
> abs((val*j.transpose())[0,0]+1) <= 0.000001: 
>             vec2int[cur] = bm
>             output.write(str(el for el in bm[0])+'\n')
>             cache[cur] = val 
>             cur+=1
>     for i in xrange(1, cur):
>         for j in xrange(i+1, cur):
>             iv = (cache[i]*vec2int[j].transpose())[0,0]
>             if abs(iv) <= 0.0000001 or abs(iv+1) <= 0.000001: 
>                output.write(str(i) + ' ' + str(j) + '\n')
> ===
> For convenience's sake I have attached the result of %prun on one instance 
> of the problem. From the output of prun I suppose it would make sense to 
> cache the transpose of the vectors as well, though I am not sure this is 
> going to make the crucial difference.
> On average it takes 200s to process one matrix and given that I have 
> millions of such matrices it would take years to process all the input.  
> Other than rewriting the whole thing in C I currently do not see any 
> viable solution. Hence I am wondering: Do you guys happen to see any clever 
> optimization? Is there a way to compute the named product more efficiently? 
> Best,
> Jernej

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