Hello again!!!

> You're riight.  After looking carefully at my definition of cy (the cyclic
> order of the non zero group elements that give the cyclic order of the edges
> around each vertext) I noticed that instead of A*C^-1 I had AC^1. Once I
> corrected that everything works.

Cool. Mystery solved.

> However shouldn't _check_embedding_validity detect that something was wrong
> with my dictionary? I did give
> k12._check_embedding_validity()
> and sage returned True.

This is totally right. For this reason, I created a new trac ticket
[1] which contains some new code for Sage: it will be able to catch
the bug you encountered, and will raise much more meaningful messages
than 'True/False' when something does not occur as expected. In your
case, the code would break at this moment:

sage: k12.set_embedding(imb)
ValueError: The list associated with vertex A contains >1 occurrences of: [C]

Now here is the deal: new code, when it is written, must be reviewed.
Consequently, it will not be merged into Sage before somebody comes,
reads it and checks that it all works, then sets the ticket to
positive_review. This is a lot of work and things to learn when you do
not know Sage's workflow, but on the other hand nobody can add
anything into Sage unless somebody volunteers to do that job. If you
were willing to give it a try it would definitely help get this patch
reviewed+merged quickly. Some documentation to start the
sage-development-adventure can be found there:

> Anyway sorry for my silly mistake and thanks a lot for your help.

Look at what happened: you found Sage misbehaving somewhere, asked a
question, and as a result Sage is being patched and will not make the
same mistake again. That's how free software works, and if nobody
reports the problems they just stay as they are.

Thanks for the report, and thanks for your help and time if you have
some to spare for Sage.

Good evening,


[1] http://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/17656

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