Try again...

"Like n>-3, 2^n+4. "

is NOT a problem


One mathematical example of "problem" is :

"Compute integer sum  S = 1+2+3+4+5"


For some SYMBOLIC problems  for example

"Given n natural (n is symbolic = can have any integer positive value), 
compute integer sum S = 1+2+....+n"

then you have to write Python cell,..short or long ... it depends

Example : 

a,b,c,x = var('a,b,c,x') ; res = solve([ a*x^2 + b*x + c == 0],x)


I guess what you call "induction" is the "natural integer" induction:

Problem is : "Property X is valid for any natural integer n"

How to prove it by induction : 
1) Prove it is true for n = 0  
2) Prove that "Property X valid for n" then "Property X valid for n+1"


"...get data from users"

what to you want ? who are "users" ?

On Monday, 8 June 2015 21:37:45 UTC+2, avi kaur wrote:
> Hello Everyone
> Is it possible to solve Induction problems in sage. If yes then how?
> --
> Avi kaur

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