Induction basis other than 0 or 1

   1. Showing that the statement holds when *n* = *b*.
   2. Showing that if the statement holds for *n* = *m* ≥ *b* then the same 
   statement also holds for *n* = *m* + 1

and filling the gaps in your "problem" text...

the statement is P(n) =  "for every  integer n greater than -3 , the number 
2^n + 4 is greater than 33/8"

1. first step P(-3), statement hols when n = b with  b =  - 3 

  2^(-3) + 4 = 1/8 + 4 = 33/8  >= 0 statement is true

2. inductive step : Showing that if the statement holds for *n* = *m* ≥ *b* 
then the same statement also holds for *n* = *m* + 1

  given any integer number m greater or equal than b and  2^m + 4 >= 0 and 
n = m+1
  be 2^n + 4 = 2^(m+1) + 4 = 2^m 2 + 4 = (2^m + 4 - 4) 2 + 4 = (2^m + 4) 2 
-4 2 + 4 = (2^m + 4) 2 - 4 >= 66/8 - 4 = 34/8 >= 33/8

  if statement holds for m then it holds for n = m + 1

Because of 1/ and 2/ holds, then P(n) is true for every n greater or equal 
than b.


Unfornulately for the inductive step, you need symbolic variables (n,m) to 
solve some equation(s) or inequation(s)..and SAGE cannot do that when 
forcing n to be integer.

Even the simple example :

n = var('n',domain='integer')
res = solve([n^2 == 3],n); print "res = ",res

returns the weird answer :

res =  [
n == -sqrt(3),
n == sqrt(3)

because behind the scene, compute in the symbolic ring...without taking care of 
the "integer" 
constraint sorry, I don't know.


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