Hi Nathann,

There is no significantly faster method than trying all possibilities. 
Finding the minimum-weight codewords of a linear code is a hard problem. 
Since your code is not too big, the naive method takes only a few seconds.

There are clever algorithms (still exponential) for computing the weight of 
the minimal weight codewords (the minimum distance of the code). I'm 
unaware whether these might be (or have been) modified to provide all 
minimum weight codewords, which could result in a practically significant 
speedup over the naive method.


On Thursday, September 10, 2015 at 9:47:25 AM UTC+2, Nathann Cohen wrote:
> Helloooo everybody, 
> I am trying to build an interesting 2-design from the following code: 
>     sage: c=codes.ExtendedQuadraticResidueCode(47,GF(2)) 
>     sage: c 
>     Linear code of length 48, dimension 24 over Finite Field of size 2 
> This is to be done by listing all codewords of minimum weight (here 
> the weight is 12), but the *total* number of codewords is big. Is 
> there a faster way to obtain  only the list of light codewords? 
> THaaaaaaaaanks! 
> Nathann 

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