also, could you please post here the logfile of dot2tex installation:
it is  SAGEROOT/logs/pkgs/dot2tex-2.9.0.p1.log

On Friday, June 2, 2017 at 11:41:50 PM UTC+1, Julie Beier wrote:
> This returns false.
> On Friday, June 2, 2017 at 4:59:39 PM UTC-4, Dima Pasechnik wrote:
>> On Friday, June 2, 2017 at 9:01:08 PM UTC+1, Julie Beier wrote:
>>> Hi Dima,
>>> I get errors when I do this in Sagenb (which is my usual place) and when 
>>> I run it in Terminal.  (I've always installed the .dmg and not the .app 
>>> version.)  The errors are slightly different but both have to do with an 
>>> inability to compile the tex code.  This is why I am so confused.  I don't 
>>> really understand why the tex code should be different when all the builds 
>>> are the same. 
>> OSX has its own unique ways to torture developers (and they keep 
>> "improving" them :-)),
>> that's why it seems that Sage suffers from lack of testing on OSX...
>> Could you check if
>> sage: import dot2tex
>> works?
>> And one more sanity check:
>> sage: from sage.graphs.dot2tex_utils import have_dot2tex
>> sage: have_dot2tex()
>> Does this return True? (have_dot2tex() is some old function still used in 
>> that code...)
>> With sagenb it's not working, and will not work; sagenb is 
>> deprecated---switch to jupyter notebooks
>> (one advantage is that they can be used on SMC)
>>> I'll note that I know others who have run into this problem (I've had 
>>> this problem since I updated SAGE in 2013) and they have just given up.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Julie
>>> On Friday, June 2, 2017 at 4:55:42 AM UTC-4, Dima Pasechnik wrote:
>>>> On Friday, June 2, 2017 at 1:16:19 AM UTC+1, Julie Beier wrote:
>>>>> Current version of SAGE: 7.5.1 though this happened with several 
>>>>> versions, all binary install
>>>>> Operating System: OSX 10.11.6
>>>>> Version of Tex: Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.17 (TeX Live 2016); All 
>>>>> packages up to date
>>>>> As previously mentioned, this was all what matches on the cloud for 
>>>>> SAGE and Tex.
>>>> Thanks, I guess I know where the problem is - it is in Sagenb;
>>>> one more piece of the puzzle: how do you start and run Sage?
>>>> Possibilities are: 
>>>> Terminal  : should work (works for me)
>>>> OSX app : I don't know
>>>> Sagenb (the "classical" Sage notebook) : displaying this does not work 
>>>> for me, and most probably won't be fixed
>>>> jupyter notebook : should work (works for me)
>>>> Thus, I am able to get an error if I try your code in Sagenb (although 
>>>> the error looks different...)
>>>> One option   for you would be switching to jupyter notebook, but for 
>>>> this you probably needed
>>>> a newer version of Sage.
>>>> The other option would be to run the Sage in OSX terminal - then the 
>>>> output should get displayed in a tab of your default browser.
>>>> Could you try the latter?
>>>> (if this still fails, to be sure it's not OSX app problem, could you 
>>>> install a non-app version - i.e. the filename should not end with 
>>>> .app.dmg, 
>>>> but just with 64.dmg)
>>>> Could you please try this with non-app version of Sage, and run Sage in 
>>>> terminal.
>>>>> On Thursday, June 1, 2017 at 4:49:57 PM UTC-4, Dima Pasechnik wrote:
>>>>>> On Thursday, June 1, 2017 at 8:34:55 PM UTC+1, Julie Beier wrote:
>>>>>>> So I guess this was the point of my message.  What you just posted 
>>>>>>> does *not* work for me.  It says True for dot2tex installed, but I 
>>>>>>> get the two different tex files (doing this on my computer versus on 
>>>>>>> the 
>>>>>>> cloud) and on my computer it does not generate something that works.  
>>>>>> We need more details about your computer: Sage version, operating 
>>>>>> system, whether it was compiled from source or installed as a binary, 
>>>>>> what 
>>>>>> version of TeX is installed.
>>>>>>> On Thursday, June 1, 2017 at 3:18:04 PM UTC-4, Dima Pasechnik wrote:
>>>>>>>> On Thursday, June 1, 2017 at 7:57:22 PM UTC+1, Julie Beier wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Dima,
>>>>>>>>> Sorry but I'm not sure I understand.  I followed the directions in 
>>>>>>>>> the sage help that say to do sage -i 'dot2tex'.  That is done.  But 
>>>>>>>>> it 
>>>>>>>>> still creates the different tex files, and I still have the problem. 
>>>>>>>> the following works for me on a local Sage install (it's 8.0.beta8, 
>>>>>>>> but it should not matter)
>>>>>>>> sage: is_package_installed("dot2tex") # sanity check
>>>>>>>> True
>>>>>>>> sage: B = crystals.Tableaux(['A',2], shape=[2,1])
>>>>>>>> sage: view(B) # opens a tab in the browser with the picture
>>>>>>>>>  Nicolas's work around makes the small example he posted work, but 
>>>>>>>>> it doesn't work for the crystals.  Was I supposed to install dot2tex 
>>>>>>>>> differently?
>>>>>>>> you can have more than one Sage install (well, in principle, that 
>>>>>>>> is)
>>>>>>>> (Or indeed Sage version matters...)
>>>>>>>>> J
>>>>>>>>> On Thursday, June 1, 2017 at 2:40:04 PM UTC-4, Dima Pasechnik 
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> On Thursday, June 1, 2017 at 7:23:29 PM UTC+1, Julie Beier wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> All,
>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks all for the help; glad to know it wasn't just something 
>>>>>>>>>>> trivial that I missed.
>>>>>>>>>>> This work around doesn't seem to work for whole crystals as 
>>>>>>>>>>> there is no set_latex_options option.  Anyway to work around the 
>>>>>>>>>>> problem 
>>>>>>>>>>> there?
>>>>>>>>>> IMHO you should check if you indeed had installed dot2tex 
>>>>>>>>>> package, for the crystals.* example you posted as not
>>>>>>>>>> working, works for me after   I installed dot2tex (you might have 
>>>>>>>>>> to quit and start your Sage session, at least, after the
>>>>>>>>>> installation)
>>>>>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>>>>>> Julie
>>>>>>>>>>> On Thursday, June 1, 2017 at 2:01:14 PM UTC-4, Nicolas M. Thiéry 
>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Jun 01, 2017 at 12:02:19AM -0700, Dima Pasechnik wrote: 
>>>>>>>>>>>> >    How does one switch to using dot2tex for this example, 
>>>>>>>>>>>> too? 
>>>>>>>>>>>>     sage: t = StandardTableaux(4).random_element() 
>>>>>>>>>>>>     sage: G = DiGraph([[t,t]], loops=True) 
>>>>>>>>>>>>     sage: G.set_latex_options(format="dot2tex")           # 
>>>>>>>>>>>> <====== 
>>>>>>>>>>>>     sage: view(G) 
>>>>>>>>>>>> Cheers, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>                 Nicolas 
>>>>>>>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>>>>>>>> Nicolas M. Thiéry "Isil" <> 

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