Let me start by confirming that I have successfully used SageManifolds
to implement the several calculations I wanted to make using the Cartan
moving frames formalism.  So first a big "thank you" for developing this

> If you find some missing functionalities and you would like to
> implement them, please visit ...

Thanks for the invitation, but I'm a newbie at both Python and Sage...

I do however have some further questions, some of which likely reflect
my lack of comfort with (and ignorance of) object-oriented programming;
others may be in the category of feature requests for the future.

1. First and foremost, what is the proper way to manipulate the
   components of both tensors and tensor-like objects such as the
   connection, the connection 1-forms, and the curvature 2-forms?

A basic example would be how to set the mass to zero in the
Schwarzschild geometry *after* calculating the curvature.  (I'm still
recovering from my shock at discovering that saying "m=0" is not
sufficient...)  The best I've been able to come up with is to do
something like
for each component of each affected object.  Is there a better way?

A similar example would be how to apply simplifications to (all)
components of a given tensor or tensor-like object.

2. Is there a way to display (all) connection 1-forms or curvature
   2-forms, ideally in a format analogous to that produced by
   g.display_comp() or nab.display()?

(An answer involving a print loop is acceptable, although I can't get
the formatting right -- one entry per line, no extraneous symbols.)

3. Is there a way to specify the index labels on the connection 1-forms
   and curvature 2-forms, analagous to index_labels on the connection?

(For that matter, is there a way to specify the labels on the metric?
I get an error when trying to set index_labels in that case.)

4. Can default (non-numerical) index labels be specified, rather than
   repeating them in every display request?

Thank you,

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