Thanks! I've already learned more.

What I first did was this:

sage: PP
-0.625000000000000*t^4 + 23.5500000000000*t^3 - 264.051000000000*t^2 + 1026.90000000000*t - 853.800000000000
sage: L=solve(PP==0,t)
sage: L[1]
t == -1/1250*sqrt((390625*(4/1953125*I*sqrt(37468876945450884598)*sqrt(5) - 3986170531587/244140625)^(2/3) + 28629375*(4/1953125*I*sqrt(37468876945450884598)*sqrt(5) - 3986170531587/244140625)^(1/3) + 397327289)/(4/1953125*I*sqrt(37468876945450884598)*sqrt(5) - 3986170531587/244140625)^(1/3)) + 1/2*sqrt(-(4/1953125*I*sqrt(37468876945450884598)*sqrt(5) - 3986170531587/244140625)^(1/3) - 397327289/390625/(4/1953125*I*sqrt(37468876945450884598)*sqrt(5) - 3986170531587/244140625)^(1/3) - 2316636/5/sqrt((390625*(4/1953125*I*sqrt(37468876945450884598)*sqrt(5) - 3986170531587/244140625)^(2/3) + 28629375*(4/1953125*I*sqrt(37468876945450884598)*sqrt(5) - 3986170531587/244140625)^(1/3) + 397327289)/(4/1953125*I*sqrt(37468876945450884598)*sqrt(5) - 3986170531587/244140625)^(1/3)) + 91614/625) + 471/50
sage: L[1].n()
TypeError: cannot evaluate symbolic expression numerically

I then tried to use the gp version of "solve":

sage: gp.solve(t=10,30,PP)
  File "<ipython-input-20-236b1d016f63>", line 1
SyntaxError: positional argument follows keyword argument

So Sage doesn't like the gp syntax.

I now know that I could have done this by creating a polynomial ring over R and asking for roots, or with PP.find_root(0,30), which only finds one of the roots (there are four in that interval).


On 9/15/2020 1:53 PM, kcrisman wrote:

    I still don't know my way around the Sage documentation... Sorry
    for the elementary question.

Yeah, we are sorry that it never has gotten more organized (though it is actually quite thorough!).   You may want to try the French (now in English) Sage book, or Greg Bard's AMS (but free online) Sage book.

    I just tried to use the *solve* command to find the roots of a
    polynomial of degree 4 with real coefficients. The result is a
    list of solutions expressed in (complicated) symbolic form. When I
    attempted to find the numerical value of the solutions, I got an

    TypeError: cannot evaluate symbolic expression numerically

There should be, and if you give us the precise commands you used, we should be able to either log it as a bug report or something else.  For many equations we get something back like x^5-x+1==0 which we know there isn't a formula for, but if it is using the quartic formula or something similar it should, in principle, be able to be approximated.  We'd have to see your exact output to determine why that isn't happening.
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Fernando Q. Gouvea
Carter Professor of Mathematics
Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics
Colby College
5836 Mayflower Hill
Waterville, ME 04901

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life in a technological society is the ability to resist distraction.
  -- W. H. Auden

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